8 simple ways to be your favorite boss

Being loved and cared for by your boss is not so difficult, it is important to know how to show it in time, sometimes just a small act such as asking for advice, or saying thank you ... also increases the boss's feeling for you .

Beloved and cared for by his boss is not too difficult, it is important to know how to express in time, sometimes just a small act such as asking for advice, or saying thanks . also increases the boss's sympathy for you.

Not by complimenting your boss's new hairstyle, or being the first to support your boss's project . Instead, you should take the time to find research that makes your boss see you the choice. optimal or when you need to assign tasks, they find it possible to trust the assignment.

Get to work early

Research by Michael G. Foster (University of Washington) suggests suggestions for employees who should go to work early will be favored by their boss, even when assessing your work performance, you will get higher marks than those who come later. . Regardless of those people who stay behind later.

Ask for advice

You will sometimes be a bit afraid to ask your boss about the way or how they achieve success in your current career, or ask your boss for advice on which direction you should take . However, according to research. from Harvard Business School, asking your boss for advice does not make you stupid, but on the contrary it can make you in the eyes of your boss who is capable and willing to advance .

Know how to collect

Knowing how to snatch or know how to organize things is what the boss or boss really pays attention to and demands on his or her employees. According to Dave Kerpen, founder and CEO of the software company, " You will look better when you manage your own business. And by organizing it yourself and knowing your manager will locate you. Many times, your boss doesn't care if the marketing staff almost goes late every day, as long as on Monday morning she'll put a big report on the company-wide meeting. okay ".

Set high goals

The Zenger leadership development consultant of Folkman Company spent more than 5 years to collect up to 50,000 multi-dimensional reviews of more than 4000 employees. According to his findings, there is one thing that can make staff progress is to make a difficult goal. In other words, when setting and executing a difficult task item will help that person go further than they think.

8 simple ways to be your favorite boss Picture 18 simple ways to be your favorite boss Picture 1 Setting high goals will achieve unexpected results

Notice the details

If you are building yourself into a great role model, it is best to start noticing small things. Ryan Holmes, CEO of Hootsuite, wrote in a LinkedIn post at his companies " even if it seems like a minor problem can affect customers very much in the short term. An employee has can be more reliable by noticing these small errors ".


Expressing gratitude to your boss's feedback - even if it is negative - can make your boss more sympathetic to you. This is a study from 2011 of the University of Southern California.

8 simple ways to be your favorite boss Picture 28 simple ways to be your favorite boss Picture 2 Having a positive attitude before the boss's reproach also makes you "better" than the boss

Go on holiday

According to an analysis of Oxford Economics, workers spend their vacation time, 6.5% of them will get promotion or salary increases compared to those who skip vacation time. This does not mean that after the outing, you will get promoted and a vacation can make your employees' productivity increase, morale better, work more efficiently. Maybe then you will be promoted.

There are opinions

Give an opinion, don't hide behind a colleague. Jenna Lyons, president and creative director of J.Crew Group Inc said. She also shared: " I can't understand an employee if they never make statements or speak out their opinions even in a small conversation. Don't be afraid to look stupid when speaking. Can your idea be good, don't be afraid to say it to everyone . "

8 simple ways to be your favorite boss Picture 38 simple ways to be your favorite boss Picture 3 Be friendly, but always have your own opinion

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