Starting with a good cause, the Philosophers organization quickly became corrupt after a lifetime of membership because of power and money.
The Metal Gear Solid series and later the Metal Gear Solid created by Hideo Kojima is set in the context of combat and espionage in the midst of conflict and world-class intrigues. The appeal of the game brand in addition to attractive gameplay is also a story full of bottlenecks and unique. Let's explore the world of this unique game series together!
Note that, like the movie 007, the story of the Metal Gear Solid series has a great color of spy and conspiracy between countries around the world. But this is only a work of fiction - the political, military, terrorist and interrelated plots of nations are just fantasies, not historical facts!
'Sages' Philosophers
World War I, the 'battle to end all wars' ended in 1918 and destroyed much of Europe, and left many sacrifices to the whole world when the forces fought. Collect soldiers from your colonies. The cost of 22 million lives was directly killed in the war, plus an additional 17-50 million people died as a result. In this situation, the richest and most powerful people of the world gathered to form an organization called the Philosophers.
Coming from many different countries, with different contexts and races, but these people all embrace a beautiful ideal: preventing tragedies like World War I from happening again. With their vast influence and endless wealth of funds, they aspire to be behind the scenes to manipulate governments, adjust events that happen on a global scale so that humanity no longer has to suffer. war and loss.

The first members of the Philosophers.
With such a high purpose, Philosophers has operated in accordance with its principles for less than 20 years. Because of the wealth and power that take time to build, the founders of the organization are all old people and they gradually die. When the last of the founding members died, the successors began to use Philosophers to serve their personal purposes instead of the good of humanity.
Over the years that followed, the power and control of Philosophers soared to become the one truly manipulating governments around the globe. They build their own schools, nurture and train agents capable of performing secret missions, overthrow governments, assassinate leaders around the world. Instead of preventing war, the organization benefited from all wars and their octopus reached everywhere to spawn new wars.

The three factions form the Philosophers.
In the period before World War II, Philosophers' members gathered money to create a $ 100 billion budget, an unprecedented amount of money in history. In the Philosophers' plan, this money will be used to develop new war weapons that can dominate the battlefield, defeat the Axis and thereby dominate the world for decades to come. . These include rocket projects, nuclear weapons and super warriors, weapons that humans have never thought of before. After the Axis faction lost, the Philosophers members decided to split this money.

Cold War
But their split plan could not be realized because after World War II ended, the chaos created conditions for Boris Volgin, an agent of the Philosophers organization to own a high position in the army. Steal this fortune. He divided the money he made into parts to hide in banks in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Australia and many other countries. All information about money transfers is stored in a microfilm roll, and this is the only way to use that money.
In the wake of the disappearance of huge sums of money, tensions continued to rise within the Philosophers until it disintegrated into three forces representing the three superpowers in the world. The rivalry between these three forces, the attempt to find Philosopher's Legacy to increase their influence in the world was the source of the cold war after World War 2.

The microfilm contains information about the philosophy of Philosophers.
Amidst that backdrop, Boris Volgin died and left his legacy to his son, Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin. Holding in the hands of endless money from a large organization like Philosophers enabled Yevgeny to fulfill his ambitions, which we will mention in the future. Philosophers at this time were no longer united, but extremely powerful men who held the military and intelligence organizations of the countries they hid. The clearest example of these people 's power is none other than the assassination of a president whom they no longer prefer to bring another character more friendly with the Philosophers to power.
The race to send people to space among nations in the Cold War is the foundation of many other important events, but perhaps nothing has more lasting consequences than the events of The Boss. She was an American spy who was tasked with finding the secrets of her rival's space program, and got involved with Philosophers for the first time during this period, knowing that the decision would make her regret. after. The Boss' priceless efforts to help NASA obtain extremely valuable information, but it only in return for her betrayal and blatant sales from the CIA, and led to her lover is The Sorrow sacrifices his life to keep his son alive.

The Boss, the hero betrayed by the fatherland.
In the 1960s, the Philosophers in the United States were sharing each other holding powerful powers of this country, including the Central Intelligence Agency CIA and Department of Defense (Department of Defense, DOD). They contradict each other on a wide range of issues, from participating wars to top secret weapons projects and in a variety of situations, resulting in the reorganization of the characters Zero and Ocelot. Philosophers after successfully obtained Philosophers' Legacy. Their efforts were somewhat successful after establishing the new organization The Patriots, but a series of events ensued that caused these two comrades to shoot guns at each other.