Top strange animals become their own natural enemies

The strangest animals on this planet have violated the natural laws of survival by killing themselves with the powerful weapons they possess.

Top strange animals become their own natural enemies Picture 1Top strange animals become their own natural enemies Picture 1

1. Deer pig: This animal lives in Indonesia, stands out with two "horns" growing on the bridge of its nose. They have no natural enemies and use their large tusks as weapons to fight off enemies.

However, continued growth of this tusk could pierce their brain and end their life.

2. Bees: Bees are not aggressive but can attack enemies by stinging. However, after attacking, the bee will die.

This method of self-destruction is especially evident when bees attack to protect the hive and can only be done once in a lifetime.

3. Argali sheep: Argali sheep have large horns that grow in a circular shape outward.

Their horns are also the ultimate weapon, but can also be dangerous to themselves as they grow longer and can pierce the brain, leading to a tragic end.

Thus, the self-protection weapons of animals in nature are sometimes the cause that causes them to end their lives.

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