Multiple choice questions about network security deployment have answers
- Question 1. Internet connection sharing capability is built into the operating system
Windows 95/98/2000 / XP / 2003
Windows 98SE, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003/2008
- Windows Server 2000, 2003
Windows Server 2003/2008
- Question 2. The common method for sharing an internet connection for many other computers in the network is:
NAT (Network Address Translation)
ROUTE (Routing Service)
RAS (Remote Access Service)
ICS (Internet Connection Sharring)
- Question 3. Windows Server 2003 machine has 2 network communication devices: an Internet communication and a communication with the Client. Administrators deploy NAT on this Windows Server to share internet connection. After the deployment is completed, the server communicates internet well, and the clients do not communicate, although they have correctly and sufficiently declared IP parameters for clients. Causes of this situation:
Because the OS on the Client does not support internet communication via NAT Server
Because Windows Server uses Standard version, SecureNAT is not supported
Because the 'Basic Firewall' service prevents Internet clients from communicating
When deploying NAT, the administrator has chosen the wrong internet communication device
- Question 4. A Windows Server 2003 computer named SERVER1 was previously built into an FTP Server that provides Files for internal users and users of Enterprise branches. Enterprise uses SERVER1 to share SecureNAT-style internet connection for other machines. When the Administrator executes SecureNAT using RRAS's Wizard. He selected 'Network Address Translation (NAT)' and clicked 'Next' until 'Finish'. Result:
The users at the branch will not be able to access the data in FTP because when logging into the FTP Server, the Username / Password are denied by the Server.
Users inside the network of SERVER1 will access FTP normally but cannot communicate with the internet
Users at branches still access data on FTP Server as usual
Users at branches will not access data in FTP on SERVER1
- Question 5. A computer connected to the internet by ADSL technology. When the internet connection is successful, the ISP will issue an IP address. In the absence of any other intervention, choose the correct statement.
That IP address is assigned to the RJ-45 port network device on the ADSL modem
That IP address is assigned to the network interface card on the user's computer
That IP address is assigned to the RJ-11 port network device on the ADSL modem
That IP address is issued to the user's computer
- Question 6. Previously, the Technical Department of an Enterprise had only one computer running Windows Server 2003 named SERVER1. Administrators often use Remote Desktop to run this machine from his home. The enterprise equips the 10-Computer Technical Department and uses SERVER1 to share internet connection with SecureNAT. After sharing the internet connection successfully, the administrator no longer uses Remote Desktop to operate SERVER1 from home. The best solution to fix this problem:
Change the account that is authorized Remote Desktop machine SERVER1
Turn off Basic Firewall on the server SERVER1
Turn off the Remote Desktop service on SERVER1 and re-create this service
On the Basic Firewall of server SERVER1: open port 3389 and transfer it to the IP address of the server itself SERVER1
- Question 7. IT Training School iSPACE has many branches. Accountants at Branches want to share accounting information with each other. Which of the following solutions is feasible today?
With Internet connection available, deploy VPN system for Branches
Use Remote Dial-up to dial a network number from Branch A to B whenever there is a need to access shared information
Each Branch has its own Leased Line subscription. Routing the Leased Line together
Use the wire to connect all the Branches together
- Question 8. A packet that supports IPSec is encrypted both Header and Content. This encryption method has a name:
- Question 9. IT Training School iSPACE intends to deploy Site-to-Site VPN connection among Branches but is still concerned about the safety of data when transmitted on internet infrastructure. As a network administrator at the school, which of the following is the solution to overcome this problem?
Use IPSec in combination with L2TP protocol
Requires internet service provider (ISP) to encrypt data transmitted by VPN from iSPACE to interne
Use Encrypt File System (EFS) available in Windows to encrypt files before sharing via VPN
Set highly complex passwords for Dial-In Users
- Question 10. The employees of Bien Hoa Branch need to access data on computers in the Accounting Department of Phu Nhuan Branch. As a network administrator at iSPACE, you choose the most optimal solution:
Set up Site-to-Site VPN type between 2 branches
Set up Remote-asccess VPN and grant employees at Bien Hoa Branch account access to Phu Nhuan Branch
Set up an FTP Server at Phu Nhuan branch. The accounting data will be included in FTP Site so that Bien Hoa branch staff can access it
The data to be retrieved will be sent to the staff of Bien Hoa Branch by the Accounting Department staff
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