Multiple choice questions about network security implementation have the answer P7

In the quiz below, the network administrator will send you the notes when using the network to ensure your safety. Invite your reference.
  1. Question 1. The technique of stealing accounts with Keylog is often used by newbie Hacker users because:
    1. Keylog is very powerful in identifying user / password in outbound packets
    2. Keylog is very powerful in detecting encrypted passwords (encrypt) or hashed (Hash)
    3. Because most users are not interested in security issues and Anti Virus
    4. It is difficult to be detected by Anti Virus programs
  2. Question 2. To execute a Trojan-Backdoor attack. Hackers will do it
    1. The Trojan Server is installed on the victim's computer - Hacker controls with the Trojan Client
    2. The hacker uses a Trojan Client to attack the victim's computer via ports received from Scanning technology
    3. Hackers use a Trojan Server, attack the victim's machine through the ports received from Scanning technology
    4. The Trojan Client is installed on a victim's computer - Hacker is controlled by a Trojan Server
  3. Question 3. How do computer worms and other viruses spread?
    1. Automatically spread and infect between systems
    2. Spread through attachments with email
    3. It is almost impossible to spread unless you open or run an infected program
    4. Spread through email content
  4. Question 4. Is the information system divided into several main parts?
    1. first
    2. 2
    3. 3
    Information system is divided into 3 main parts: hardware, software and connection
  5. Question 5. In 1992 and revised in 2002, OECD's guidance on security for information and network systems has exported many basic principles:
    1. 8
    2. 9
    3. ten
  6. Question 6. In 2004, how many basic principles did the NIST organization propose?

    1. 32
    2. 33
    3. 34
  7. Question 7. RFID - What is Radio Frequency Identification?
    1. Biometric identification
    2. Identify via RF signals with the information to be determined
    3. Image recognition
    4. Not the above forms
  8. Question 8. How many basic elements of information does the CIA triangle model have?
    1. 6
    2. 7
    3. 8
    4. 9
    These factors are: confidentiality (confidentiality), possession (possession), integrity (integrity), authentication (authenticity), availability (availability) and utility.
  9. Question 9. What are the targets that hackers target before performing attacks on TCP / IP networks?
    1. 'Impersonation' must be achieved: To be able to perform unauthorized access to network resources (data).
    2. 'Replay of messages' must be done: To be able to access / receive information and change it, when the information is moving on the road.
    3. Must guess the key (Guessing of key): To be able to access the password and encrypted data (called "rough" attack: brute-force attack).
    4. All answers are correct
  10. Question 10. What is the type of denial of service attack:
    1. DoS
    2. DDoS
    3. Both types above
    There are two types of denial of service attacks: DoS (Denny of Service)
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