Eee PC 900 : 1,024 x 600 pixel 8.9 inch screen, 1 GB RAM, 16 GB SSD drive, Intel Celeron chip 900 MHz and works on Linux or XP. Price: 335 USD.
Eee PC 900A : This version is basically the same as the 900 system but uses Atom 1.6 GHz. Price: USD 299.99.
Eee PC 900HA : Just a few extra dollars, you'll have a netbook with a 160 GB hard drive, an operating system with Windows XP Home Edition and an Atom chip. Price: USD 349.99.
Eee PC 904HA : 8.9-inch screen, Atom chip, 160 GB hard drive, Windows XP operating system with a large keyboard. Price: 390 USD.
Eee PC 1000HD : 1024 x 600 pixel 10.2 inch screen, 80 GB hard drive, 1 GB RAM, 900 MHz Intel Celeron CPU and runs on Xandros Linux. Price: 399 USD.