Microsoft wants Windows Phone to be 'hegemony' of businesses

It seems that Microsoft is determined to turn its Windows Phone mobile platform into hegemony in the enterprise equipment market.

It seems that Microsoft is determined to turn its Windows Phone mobile platform into "hegemony" in the enterprise equipment market.

According to the head of Windows Phone, Leila Martine , Windows Phone will quickly dominate the device market for businesses and this will definitely happen in mid 2015. Recent statistics Most show that Nokia, owned by Microsoft, holds 18% of the business market in the UK, while its biggest competitors, Samsung and Apple hold only 17% and 35% in the market.

Microsoft wants Windows Phone to be 'hegemony' of businesses Picture 1Microsoft wants Windows Phone to be 'hegemony' of businesses Picture 1
Windows Phone is the most attractive platform for businesses

According to Martine , Microsoft determined that it would make Windows Phone better in this market than its competitors. The company said that the fragmentation of Android makes the security status of these devices very poor as well as the high cost of iOS will make businesses do not prioritize this platform.

" When you think about Apple, how many CEOs and CIOs really want to pay their employees to use an expensive high-end device while they can choose cheaper devices from other manufacturers? With Android, Apple and BlackBerry, businesses will face fragmentation problems, provide poor experience as well as many malware, " Leila Martine said.

Microsoft wants Windows Phone to be 'hegemony' of businesses Picture 2Microsoft wants Windows Phone to be 'hegemony' of businesses Picture 2
Microsoft wants Windows Phone even stronger

The director also announced that Microsoft wants to double the market share of Windows Phone in the consumer market until mid-2015.

While just a month ago, data reports claimed that Microsoft's mobile operating system is still growing, but still quite far behind iOS and Android because many people expect Windows updates. Phone 8.1 was disappointed because this version was quite limited and came too slow.


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