Do you know the richest people in the world they have ever learned, what to do first

Research has shown that many of the planet's 100 richest billionaires have been in engineering and have worked in sales.

To get the position of the richest person in the world, it is not simple. Perhaps we have heard about the story of dropping out to start a business of rich billionaires like: Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg . However, not all billionaires do so, they still choose a school to attend when young. So what study is chosen by many billionaires.

To address this issue, job researchers recently published information published in the British magazine The Independent, which lists the 100 richest people in the world in 2017 by Forbes magazine. choose up to 75 college graduates. Most of them have chosen to study engineering majors. And the number of billionaires who started their careers with the position of securities business and sales staff accounted for the largest number.

Do you know the richest people in the world they have ever learned, what to do first Picture 1Do you know the richest people in the world they have ever learned, what to do first Picture 1

In addition, 17% of the billionaires in the list of the 100 richest people in the world started their careers by standing on their own business and being the boss. Most of them after graduation begin their careers as employees.

Here are 5 professions chosen by the world's top billionaires:

Technology (22/100 richest billionaires on the planet to study)

Business (16 people)

Finance and economy (11 people)

Law (6 people)

Computer science (4 people)

Besides studying, these are the first jobs of billionaires after graduation:

Sales (10/100 richest billionaires ever did)

Securities trading (9 people)

Software development staff (5 people)

Engineer (5 people)

Analyst (4 people)

Do you know the richest people in the world they have ever learned, what to do first Picture 2Do you know the richest people in the world they have ever learned, what to do first Picture 2

According to director Rob Scott of the labor and employment organization Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment, most of the richest billionaires in the world have a college degree and start their business after graduation.

That said, graduating from college is an important first step to prepare for your future career, Rob Scott said.

See more:

  1. The 10 youngest billionaires in the world
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