10 biggest data leaks in the world in 2018
Here are 10 of the biggest data breaches happening in 2018 according to Business Insider statistics based on the number of users affected. Big tech companies like Facebook, Google + . are on this list.
Aadhaar - 1.1 billion people
In order to manage concentrated citizens, from 2010 India began collecting data including names, fingerprints, iris, 12 identification numbers, associated services such as health, banking . saved in the system. named Aadhaar. By March 2018, it was discovered that the database of 1.1 billion people was leaked, people could access the information on Aadhaar managed by the company that did not secure the API.
Marriott Starwood - 500 million people
The database of about half a billion customers once stayed at Marriott's Starwood hotel chain, which was hacked and accessed by hackers. Accessable hacker data can include name, address of residence, phone number, passport number, account number, email, date of arrival and departure . Especially the violation takes place for a long time from 2014 to 9/2018 but it was not until 11/2018 that it was announced.
10 biggest data leaks in the world in 2018 Picture 1
Exactics - 340 million people
In June 2018, information of about 340 million Americans at Exactis marketing and synthesis company was revealed. Data containing personal and business information with names, home addresses, phone numbers, emails . stored in files of nearly 2TB capacity were leaked. So far, the source of this massive amount of data and the cause of the leak has not been announced.
MyFitnessPal - 150 million people
At the end of March 2018, fashion firm Under Armor acknowledged the data of 150 million users of its owned MyFitnessPal fitness app. The leaked information includes the username, email and encrypted password. However, credit card information, user identification numbers are considered safe.
Quora - 100 million people
In early December, hackers broke into Quora's system and may have taken data (including name, email, password .) of about 100 million users.
10 biggest data leaks in the world in 2018 Picture 2
MyHeritage - 92 million people
In early June 2018, the website specializing in DNA testing services MyHeritage had to make a request for 92 million customers to change their passwords. The reason is that the information store contains the email address and password of the encrypted customer and stored on the server located outside the company has been violated. However, there is no evidence that data has been taken advantage of.
Cambridge Analytica - 87 million people
A personality prediction application developed by a Cambridge University professor collected and passed on Facebook users' personal information to third parties. One of them is the data analysis and support company for President Donald Trump's campaign, Cambridge Analytica. The incident occurred from 2015 but until 3/2018 new scandals were uncovered. An estimated 87 million Facebook users are affected.
- The truth is that Cambridge Analytica has collected more than 87 million Facebook users, not 50 million
- How have 50 million Facebook users been taken advantage of by Cambridge Analytica to serve politics?
- How to check Facebook personal data is shared with Cambridge Analytica
Google+ - 52.5 million people
Google has decided to death its Google+ social network in April 2019. The reason is that the November update for the Google+ API has enabled developers to view information of 52.5 million users. Users who have selected privacy mode are also affected. This error has been fixed after 6 days and Google said the user's password and financial information are not affected. Earlier, Google+ also had a security bug that left half a million user accounts unsafe.
10 biggest data leaks in the world in 2018 Picture 3
- Google decided to close Google+ four months earlier because it discovered a new vulnerability that left 52 million users leaked
Chegg - 40 million people
Chegg, the big company in the book rental industry, confirmed the information of 40 million members that were violated. Information such as name, address, password . may have fallen into the hands of hackers. The company had to set a new password for users.
Facebook - 29 million people
In late September, Facebook announced that the accounts of 50 million users were leaked due to a vulnerability that existed on the social network. Hackers may have collected users' security tokens to access their accounts. After that, Facebook announced that only 29 million accounts were affected.
10 biggest data leaks in the world in 2018 Picture 4
See more:
- Top most unreliable technology companies in 2018, Facebook tops the list
- This is 5 quality smartphones, but not noticed in 2018
- Top App Store most downloaded App Store and Play Store in 2018, and that is not PUBG Mobile
- 1.6 million computers in Vietnam were erased by the virus, losing nearly 15,000 billion in 2018
You should read it
- What is data leakage?
- 49 million Instagram users leak personal information, mostly celebrities
- DNA information leaks are worse than leaking many credit card information
- How valuable is the user's personal data?
- List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data
- Microsoft 365 has added new security features, which prevent data leakage more effectively
- Facebook is officially under criminal investigation for allegedly illegally selling data
- VPN vulnerabilities and how to check and prevent them
- Six ways to prevent data leakage
- Apple is hiring special forces to prevent information leakage?
- Why is your data worthwhile?
- 7.5 million Creative Cloud user profiles leaked
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