Is the girl hit by lightning when she is on the phone, is it safe to use the phone when there is thunder?

Brittany Prehn, 22, was struck by lightning while making a call at an outdoor concert in Wisconsin (USA). This made many people anxious, they said that placing smartphones on the ear has attracted lightning and caused this problem.

Brittany Prehn, 22, was struck by lightning while making a call at an outdoor concert in Wisconsin (USA). According to records at the Northern Illinois Medical Center, where the emergency girl notes, lightning strikes from the ear and reaches the entire body while the phone is badly damaged.

This made many people anxious, they said that placing smartphones on the ear has attracted lightning and caused this problem.

Is the girl hit by lightning when she is on the phone, is it safe to use the phone when there is thunder? Picture 1Is the girl hit by lightning when she is on the phone, is it safe to use the phone when there is thunder? Picture 1

John Jensenius, a weather expert at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), said that the fact that a person is struck by lightning is because they are in the wrong position, at the wrong time, but have absolutely no relationship between lightning and mobile phones.

Therefore, Prehn was struck by lightning because she was in the right position to hit the lightning. Using a phone is just a coincidence.

Is the girl hit by lightning when she is on the phone, is it safe to use the phone when there is thunder? Picture 2Is the girl hit by lightning when she is on the phone, is it safe to use the phone when there is thunder? Picture 2
Photo: Temputers Tech.

The Chicago Tribune also reported that it is not recommended to use wired phones in storms because they are physically connected to external wires. Mobile phones do not have a physical connection, so there is nothing dangerous to use during a storm.

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