Is the blood uric acid index low?

High uric acid causes gout and some other kidney complications. Is there any danger of low uric acid? Follow the article below to get any answers!

High uric acid causes gout and some other kidney complications. Is there any danger of low uric acid ? Follow the article below to get any answers!

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  1. What is uric acid index? How much is uric acid normal?
  2. How much uric acid is low and what causes it?
  3. Are low uric acid levels dangerous?
  4. How to improve uric acid deficiency in the blood?

Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 1Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 1

What is uric acid index? How much is uric acid normal?

Uric acid is a heterogeneous compound of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. It has the chemical formula C5H4N4O3. Uric acid is formed in the body due to the degradation of purines. They are then dissolved in the blood and taken to the kidneys and excreted in the urine.

This index plays a role in determining the ability to diagnose whether a patient has gout and reflects the degree to which the patient is at risk.

Normally, the best uric acid index for the body is Uric acid levels of 6-7mg / dl are normal safety indicators. In fact, uric accid also depends on height, weight, blood pressure, kidney function, nutrition, human alcohol use status.

How much uric acid is low and what causes it?

According to doctors, in normal people, the test will get uric acid results in the range of 3-7 mg / dl. This is considered a level of safety that has no effect on health. If more than 7mg / dl, there is a risk of gout. And vice versa, if this index is much smaller than the normal level, the blood uric acid index is low.

To check the amount of uric acid in your body you can do some simple blood tests or you can use blood glucose meters and uric acid test strips at home.

Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 2Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 2

Here are some basic causes of low uric acid:

  1. Due to Wilson's disease and Fanconi's syndrome. This disease causes waste to be absorbed by the blood instead of being excreted via the urine as usual. Over time, these wastes will accumulate causing severe uric acid reduction.
  2. Because the body consumes less Purine-containing foods. Thanks to the body's metabolism reactions, these foods will turn into uric acid. During dieting, or unreasonable diets will inadvertently cause the body to be deficient in uric acid.
  3. Due to salt deficiency, the syndrome of secreting antibiotic hormone or SIADH causes low blood uric acid levels.

Are low uric acid levels dangerous?

In fact, the number of people suffering from low blood uric acid levels will be very rare and how dangerous they are depends greatly on the cause of the deficiency.

If uric acid is lower than the permissible level, it can cause abnormal hypokalemia, hypoglycemia .

Besides, there are some other expressions such as:

  1. Causes abnormal bone pain and fatigue. Most of these symptoms are caused by low blood uric acid due to Fanconi's syndrome.
  2. Abnormal increase in urine
  3. Suffering from body pain, decreased appetite, depression, fatigue, leg swelling, trembling, difficulty walking. These are signs of uric acid deficiency due to Wilson's disease.

Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 3Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 3

How to improve uric acid deficiency in the blood?

For cases where the uric acid index is only slightly lower than normal, you can improve by adding purine-containing foods in your daily diet such as:

  1. Red meat, poultry meat
  2. Types of seafood: Lobster, crayfish, mackerel .
  3. Caviar, cod eggs .
  4. Fermented meat products .
  5. Types of beans, nuts .

Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 4Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 4

However, during supplementation, you should also regularly check to make sure that the uric acid index is not exceeded.

In cases where uric acid index is much lower, you should consult your doctor to get appropriate treatment.

Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 5Is the blood uric acid index low? Picture 5

It can be seen that uric acid plays a rather important role for the health of each of us. Please know how to maintain and monitor them regularly so as not to cause negative health effects!

>>> Reference:

  1. List of good fruits and vegetables for gout patients
  2. Experience in controlling gout is effective during treatment
  3. Distinguish from acute, chronic gout and gout disease
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