IPhone users are smarter than Android users

UK betting company Ladbroke has conducted a fun survey called A Test of Wits for 2,000 smartphone owners to compare the level of intelligence among users of the platform. with.

UK betting company Ladbroke has conducted a fun survey called A Test of Wits for 2,000 smartphone owners to compare the level of intelligence among users of the platform. with.

The results showed that iPhone users took an average of 94 seconds to complete multiple-choice tests, faster than anyone using other platforms.

IPhone users are smarter than Android users Picture 1IPhone users are smarter than Android users Picture 1

IPhone users are smarter than Android users Picture 2IPhone users are smarter than Android users Picture 2

Specifically, Google Nexus users, Samsung Galaxy and HTC smartphones average 99 seconds, 103 seconds and 105 seconds respectively to complete the test. Meanwhile, Windows Phone or BlackBerry users come from Nokia smartphones and BlackBerry completes the slowest test. Logically, iPhone users are the smartest among other operating system users.

However, it should be noted that this is only an entertaining survey and not enough to prove that iPhone users are smarter than Android, Windows Phone or BlackBerry.

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