Interesting things about the eggs of animals
In the world, there are many types of egg-laying animals, and each egg has its own interesting characteristics in shape, color, size . For example, the egg of a bird living on a cliff has one pointed tip to be able to spin the circle.
Here are interesting facts about the eggs of animals in the world.
1. Different shapes
Depending on the species, the eggs may be round or slightly pointed. Murre (Uria aalge) eggs often nest on narrow cliffs shaped like a pear. This special shape is because they are too heavy on one end. If you try to push the egg, it will spin in a circle, which helps avoid rolling off the narrow cliff.
2. Colors
Eggshell comes in many different colors but the most common is white because it is composed mainly of calcium carbonate. However, some eggshell has ultraviolet color, only the birds can feel, human eyes can not recognize.
Blue and green eggshell contains rushbird pigment. Egg shells are yellow, red, brown with spots or lines often filled with protoporphyrins.

3. Size
The largest egg belongs to the elephant bird (extinct), with a length of about 28 cm. The egg, the smallest in size by a hummingbird, weighs about the size of a paper clip.
4. Thickness of eggshell
The shell is thick enough to withstand the weight of the developing embryo inside and the weight of the parents during incubation. But the eggshell is also thin enough so that when the eggs hatch, young birds can escape.
Eggs of the Australian ostrich breed green eggs have a shell thickness of 0.6cm.
Interesting things about the eggs of animals Picture 2
5. Metabolism with the external environment
Bird eggs can metabolize to the outside environment, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. This is because the eggshell has a porous membrane containing small holes that allow oxygen, carbon dioxide and moisture to escape.
6. The egg takes 24 to 26 hours to form in a hen.
7. No need to shell eggs can hatch eggs into chicks.
8. When laid, the egg reaches a temperature of about 40.5 ° C.
10. Each year, the average hen lays from 250 to 270 eggs.
11. According to the Egg Safety Center, sometimes there is blood in the yolk of the egg, which is due to broken blood vessels. The eggs are still safe.
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