Intel's chip has eight new serious vulnerabilities

Several weeks ago, Google Project Zero security experts discovered eight new vulnerabilities in Intel's chip design, which could directly lead to Specter and Meltdown, two vulnerabilities that negatively impacted performance. whole computer system.

Several weeks ago, Google Project Zero security experts discovered eight new vulnerabilities in Intel's chip design, which could directly lead to Specter and Meltdown, two vulnerabilities that negatively impacted performance. whole computer system.

Currently, these eight vulnerabilities are being tested, determining the information and the level of influence they cause to global chip manufacturers.

Intel has received reports of new vulnerabilities and has officially confirmed their existence. The company has also conducted software patches for these eight vulnerabilities.

Intel's chip has eight new serious vulnerabilities Picture 1Intel's chip has eight new serious vulnerabilities Picture 1

According to Intel's assessment, of the eight new vulnerabilities, there are four vulnerabilities that are rated 'very serious' and the other four are 'relatively serious'. In particular, at least one vulnerability could allow the system to execute malicious code to attack the server or the entire computer in the same system. Based on that, hackers can also exploit sensitive user information such as passwords.

Intel is expected to release updates in two batches: one in May and the other in August. In addition, Microsoft has officially entered the roadmap to overcome the above 8 holes.

Intel's chip has eight new serious vulnerabilities Picture 2Intel's chip has eight new serious vulnerabilities Picture 2

Although Intel claims to be conducting research to deliver effective solutions in the shortest time, being able to change and redesign the entire CPU structure is an extremely complex and time-consuming task. time. Evidence is that although Specter and Meltdown have been detected for quite a long time, but there are still not many CPUs with the micro structure can solve this duo completely.

At the moment, Intel will probably only release software patches or microcode updates.

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