Innovative earthquake-resistant design of 3 skyscrapers

To help skyscrapers withstand earthquakes, architects in Japan, the US, and Taiwan have created various creative solutions.


Tokyo Skytree - the tallest building in Japan

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Japan is located right on the famous Ring of Fire, so earthquakes are frequent. Therefore, the Japanese government took necessary measures to prevent damage by constructing structures specifically designed to withstand earthquakes.

The Tokyo Skytree is a classic example of how Japanese architects handled the constant threat of earthquakes.

Tokyo Skytree has the standard quality that makes a tower earthquake resistant. Historians used exceptionally strong steel pipes at the base of the tower. In particular, there is a column located in the center of the tower, which is not attached to the rest of the tower and vibrates independently of the tower. This column acts as a counterweight in earthquakes to help neutralize the impact of seismic waves.

Capitol Building in Wyoming, USA

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This building was built in the 1910s but was not built to the original design of Richard Kletting due to financial difficulties. A later study revealed the building was vulnerable to moderate earthquakes. So, nearly 100 years after its completion, the building was renovated to ensure it could withstand earthquakes. Engineers removed the building's foundation completely, poured in a new layer of concrete carpet and and a total of 280 seismic supports made of laminated rubber layers were installed above the carpet just below the column. original pillar. This renovation allows the building to wobble only slightly during an earthquake.

The renovation of the Capitol building cost $260 million in 2008. The work is also proof that earthquake-resistant buildings can survive even if the original construction fails.

Taipei 101 Building in Taiwan

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Taiwan is also an area that experiences many earthquakes. And this is where Taipei 101 is located - the world's tallest building from 2004 to 2009. During its construction, engineers applied a number of solutions to make the building particularly sturdy and able to sway. by earthquakes and hurricanes. The special design makes it able to withstand the strongest earthquakes for 2,500 years.

People have driven 380 stakes 80m deep into the ground to form a stable foundation for the building. In particular, on the 92nd floor of the building, there is a pendulum weighing 660 tons. The motion of the pendulum creates inertia forces that reduce the resonant vibrations generated by wind and earthquakes, limiting the effects of these forces on the building.

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