New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky'

Recently, Clouds, an architectural firm in New York, has just released a blueprint for a skyscraper. A special feature is that this building is located outside the Earth and was built from the sky, instead of from the ground up.

Recently, Clouds, an architectural firm in New York, has just released a blueprint for a skyscraper. A special feature is that this building is located outside the Earth and was built from the sky, instead of from the ground up.

This special building, named Analemma Tower, will be "upside down" on a meteorite whose orbit is about 50,000 km from Earth.

New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 1New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 1

New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 2New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 2

Every day, meteorite trajectories will rotate the tower into an eight figure between the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere, bringing people in the tower across different parts of the world like New York, Havana, Atlanta, Panama. . only in a 24-hour cycle. Due to the curvature of the Earth, the amount of daylight can last up to 40 minutes at the top of the building.

New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 3New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 3 (Click to enlarge the image).

New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 4New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 4

Design will use a system called Global Orbital Support System (UOSS), which will attach a bearing cable to the meteorite and drop it on Earth. Then the building built on Earth will be attached to this bearing cable.

As expected, Analemma building will be built in Dubai, a place to build skyscrapers and costs cheaper than building in New York City.

New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 5New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 5

According to the drawing, the building will be set up in sections, each part will have its own function as a city, each citizen can feel comfortable at home. The sleeping area will be located on the upper third of the building, the lower part of the building will be used for business. Solar panels are installed so that they can absorb maximum amount of sunlight.

New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 6New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 6

Rainwater, condensed water in clouds will be collected and re-refined for use. The shape and size of the window is also specially designed to resist the difference in pressure and temperature.

New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 7New York engineers design high-rise buildings 'falling from the sky' Picture 7

There are many people wondering about the possibility of approaching meteors to carry out the project, but Cloud still believes that their ideas will soon come true.

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