How to unlock and complete Dairy Plant in Vampire Survivors

How to unlock and complete Dairy Plant in Vampire Survivors, How to unlock Dairy Plant stage in Vampire Survivors, and instructions on building weapons and personnel

Vampire Survivors released the patch in early March, fixing bugs and adding a bunch of new features. But the star of this patch is a whole new level, Dairy Plant.

Dairy Plant is more of an industrial setting than any of the Vampire Survivors' previous locations. This is the hardest stage released with steel walls and lots of obstacles. Furthermore, there are lots of interesting features and new enemies to find in this level along with some secrets to uncover.

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In this article, learn how to unlock the new stage - Dairy Plant in Vampire Survivors.

How to unlock Dairy Plant in Vampire Survivors

To unlock Dairy Plant in Vampire Survivors, players need to unlock the second level Inlaid Library first. To unlock the Inlaid Library, players need to be at least level 20 with a character on the first stage - Mad Forest.

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Next, play Inlaid Library and reach at least level 40. When the character killed on the run reaches level 40, the Dairy Plant will be unlocked.

Anyone can do this with any character and any combination of weapons, as long as it's level 40. Reaching level 40 in the Inlaid Library shouldn't be too hard, but it will require skill. well, usually after about 20 minutes.

How to build characters and weapons when playing Dairy Plant


This build works by raising one of the stats to get the most out of the weapon. The two easiest stats to level up are duration and weapon area. This puts 3 characters at the top of the priority list to use: Poppea, Dommario and Porta.

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Poppea is the first choice, starting with Song of Mana and having faster movement speed than most characters. Porta came in second for having the easiest start out of the three. Dommario comes in last because of its slow movement, but the Wings accessory can be found in the Dairy Plant.

Main Weapon 1 - Santa Water

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Santa Water has always been good at crowd control of enemies. When in its evolved form, La Borra, its abilities are even better and provide some protection for the character. At the start of the level, this weapon becomes useless; the damage areas created by Santa Water are too small and too scattered to attack.

With the increased duration, La Borra has time to form an area around the character made up of overlapping regions. This will save the player when Werewolf and Ax Knight start spawning at 18 minutes.

Main Weapon 2 - Song of Mana

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Song of Mana attacks vertically and pierces enemies. The obstacles in Dairy Plant will force players to go through narrow roads. The vertical attack of this weapon will make navigating these narrow passages much less difficult.

Song of Mana requires the Skull O'Maniac accessory to evolve, but the Curse state given by this accessory shouldn't be an issue with this build.

The evolved version of Song of Mana, Mannajja, has a wider attack range and a chance to slow enemies it damages. Dairy Plant has a lot of fast moving enemies so being able to slow them down is a huge help.

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