How to make a room warmer in winter
A cold house in winter is really scary for many people. So how to make your house warmer in winter?
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Every home is more than just a shelter; it's a system. Every part of your home makes your life a little safer and more comfortable: The roof keeps the rain out; the plumbing system brings clean water in & drains away waste; the furnace, boiler or air conditioning system keeps the house warm during the winter months.
However, using electric appliances to heat your home will only increase your costs and is not "friendly" to the environment. If your house is always colder than you want it to be, those numbers can get even worse because you are constantly turning up the heat or turning on the heater constantly.
There are simple steps you can take if your home is consistently too cold, such as sealing drafts, changing your furnace filters, and making sure your heating system is properly maintained. But if you've done all that and still find yourself cranking up the thermostat, there are some simple, inexpensive (and even free) steps you can take to maximize your comfort.
Change the way you arrange your furniture
First, check your furniture arrangement to make sure you are not covering or blocking the heating element or radiator from your heating device. There should be at least 30cm of space between the heat source and the furniture to allow the heat to circulate. If your sofa is right next to a heating element, you are paying to 'cook' your sofa, not to heat your home.
If you can't reasonably move the furniture, consider installing some vent extenders or deflectors to ensure the heat goes into the room itself.
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Buy thermal curtains
Even if you've replaced your weather stripping and taken other steps to make your windows less drafty, they can still draw heat away from your home. Letting in sunlight can benefit the overall temperature of your home, as well as prevent heat loss, so consider investing in a set of thermal curtains. On sunny days, open the curtains to let in the warmth of the sun. When you're cold, close the curtains to prevent heat loss through the windows.
Place aluminum foil behind the radiator
Placing reflective material like foil behind radiators can help maximize their effectiveness; the foil will reflect the heat back into the room rather than letting it absorb into the walls. This works best in small spaces where you can really feel the difference. This method of heating a room is cheap and easy to implement, so it's worth trying throughout your home.
How to make a room warmer in winter Picture 3
Buy duct booster fan
Duct booster fans are installed in one of the registers of your HVAC system, increasing the airflow coming out of it. They are relatively easy to install and can significantly increase the efficiency of your cooling and heating. If your home is cold and you barely feel any airflow coming out of one or more of your registers, a booster fan may be the solution.
Sunny landscape
If your home has lots of trees and other landscaping that block the sun, it may be a shady haven in the summer—but it can contribute to feeling cold in the winter. Trimming trees and other plants and removing other shady features can help your home get more sunlight, which will make your rooms warmer.
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