Winter statuses for those who are alone

Read and feel the most lonely winter sentences with the moods alone that no one can understand just take the cap or the winter without bears, and share so that many people with the same situation can be happy and regain the spirit for a cold winter coming soon.

Let the Network Administrator read and feel the most lonely winter sentences with the mood alone that no one can understand just take the cap or the winter without bears, and share with many people in the same scene enlightenment can be fun and bring the spirit back to a cold winter coming soon.

1. He knows that winter is the coldest season in four seasons, that is the season of frost, of coldness, of loneliness and sadness. I always look forward to my warm shoulder and heart.

2. Why is it so cold this winter !!!
Cold outside, cold in the heart.

3. The winter wind has returned, it's cold this morning but it's not as cold as ice in the heart.

4. How many summers together, how many winters are spent together, but I still don't know: 'What are we from each other? '

5. For those who are alone like you, those who are trapped by neglected and abandoned love somewhere . the Winter season is a long obsession.

6. Warm winter with warm, deep or dark colors, wearing a white bag is really pretty.

7. I find myself a full winter . lonely . and wild. To see that I have a lot, and, lose a lot .

8. Don't close your heart, open your heart to know that in the middle of winter I still feel warm.

9. It's cold. . . E's heart is also cold. . .
- Between the four solitude. . .
- E stumbles in memory of A '!

10. Winter has not come yet, I know I will have to be apart. That sensation made me stand up, hurt, and it sounded like a sweet cut in my little heart.

11. Winter did not say anything, quietly walked to the door. Winter is not complete, causing her heart to hurt because of regret.

12. I cried and cried in the night when I knew that Autumn was gradually passing out of the window.

- I cried, crying when I knew that the winter was near, when I heard a bit of coldness, I could get it through my hair.

- I cried, when I understood that I could not hold back my time and keep my love for myself .

- And I accept far from you.

13. I kept wondering, how come I was born in the winter and why I didn't have the winter thick, did I have to be lonely for so long.

14. The winter comes gently, the pig's tail wind drying the pale lips.

15. East is back, right? The warm shirt he wore for anyone Who is holding his arms Who is embracing You are cold now you have good.

16. Snow white, though it is impossible to erase the pain I have left too dark in his heart.

17. East wind is not as cold as loneliness every night when you come back.

18. Dear God! I just hope you will be with your beloved child. Although the winter came, snow covered the path of the pagan.

19. Winter will be very warm when you don't keep your heart forever.

21. The frozen wind suddenly rushed to freeze my heart. I hurt when I knew he was with other people.

22. Why winter is cold. Because the human heart spreads throughout the winter.

23. When wearing a warm coat, I suddenly remembered that this winter he was gone and no longer kept me warm.

24. This life is so boring. It was like bare branches of bare limbs and thin bodies.

25. How to forget that warmth, those hands and that person. She suddenly disappeared like winter snowflakes.

26. It is not winter that brings us sadness, but what is already in our hearts.

27. What's difficult when winter comes. Can you just close your eyes and forget that person?

28. The room is large and the wind is still blowing. Close the door and still be cold.

29. She buried her head in the pillow of the blanket. Winter is so cold, it suddenly comes to nothing but leaves no memories. Especially this time. - I miss Winter, but Winter is no longer Winter now!

30. Winter did not say anything, quietly walked to the door. Winter is not complete, causing her heart to hurt because of regret.

31. The east wind kept passing through the door into the room when there was no time to prepare warm blankets.

The winter wind kept rushing back to make him feel numb when the winter did not have me.

I thought this winter wouldn't be cold when I was with you.

But I don't know when tomorrow we will come here when winter is only 2 months away . East Coming Where Are You

32. Lonely or not, the cold winter is the same. More than just a warm coat. Someone with no lover is not 100% side by side hugging each other 24 / 24h.

33. No, even lonely but still like winter is just a little more lazy. Rather than being lonely, at night is the most emotional moment.

34. The winter north wind is cold,

You leave me . who do you warm up with !?

35. Which season is lonely? But you can bid farewell to the APPLICANT if you know what you need and what is enough

36. I kept wondering, how come I was born in the winter and why I didn't have winter thick, did I have to be lonely for so long.

37. Cold, rainy days, sad to heart. Oh yeah, just keep getting cold, because when you cheer up, you don't know what to do!

38. As each day passes, it is a day that gives us a new feeling, a new feeling of life, no wonder when the bigger we are, the more we hope to be small . The bigger and heavier our weight is, the harder it is decrease more .

39. Eating winter ice cream I can enjoy its flavor in the most complete way. Especially eating slowly also does not fear melting ice cream

40. The winter is coming and the cold of the weather is not as cold as the lack of him.

41. I was originally a girl who had a lot of dreams and a bit of romance, even if I went to winter or spring, I still believe that one day, there will be a person who makes my heart shake. moving, causing that frozen heart to vibrate really .

42. Winter is the cold season, the season of love, of hands clasped together.

43. . is still winter, and if it is a remote winter, far away from the homeland, the mark of winter is ever stronger than ever. No family, no close people, no love, only one person alone, alone and miserable . Feel!!!

44. If I have a next life, I wish I could make a white bear in the middle of the North Pole, then sleep for six months, and for six months in the summer I would catch fish to eat. That way I won't have to think much about this life anymore!

45. 'If you can't get married in the summer, we'll get married in winter.
Not getting married when children get married at widow age. '

46. ​​Spring is a turbulent time. Because then, we don't know what the answer is. We really don't know what we want, who really loves us, who we truly love. That was the time when we were hanging around, searching for answers. And then when we suddenly know that answer, we suddenly grew up, went through separate times when we rarely. So in the winter of that year, the whole world was left with separation and farewell.

46. ​​Winter does not say anything, quietly steps forward. Incomplete winter makes heart ache for so many regrets.

47. Mi daisies bloom in the middle of winter so that I can send a little flower soul to a distant region of white chrysanthemum instead of saying that I love the sunny days with you.

48. Loneliness or not, the winter still carries a much colder wind only in a warm coat.

49. This winter's taste is not the same as that of the old winter, because he was no longer with me.

50. Winter comes here to find you in the cold nights. Winter hugged me for a long time knowing I had no one nearby.

51. Winter will not be cold when love is still passionate, winter is not cold if the hand is still knit.

52. I used to like the winter when I was with you, but now I hate the winter because you gave me money just in the cold winter.

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