How to improve memory at any age: exercises and tips
Do not believe if someone says that you can only train your memory until she is 25, and then it is pointless. Memory deteriorates without constant practice, so you need to train it regularly.
The memory improvement in adults and children is not fundamentally different. To achieve success, you need to spend time on a few exercises every day, rely more on your brain in everyday life (minimize the use of notebooks, gadgets, and other assistants), and lead a healthy lifestyle. Every day workouts are a good background for improving your memory.
Picture 1 of How to improve memory at any age: exercises and tips
5 best exercises to improve memory
1. Playback of what you saw
A good exercise for developing visual memory involves looking at an object for a minute (two minutes). Then you need to close your eyes and imagine it in all its details. The simpler the subject, the more difficult the task will seem.
2. Memorizing poems
An auditory memory exercise that requires no training or additional resources. Learn the long poems and excerpts from poems. Each time, take on larger text sizes.
3. Learning foreign languages
Many people refuse to learn the language because of poor memory. Although the learning process itself has a positive effect on the development of memory and the brain because you have to learn vocabulary, understand grammatical features. Even half an hour a day spent learning a new language will have a positive effect on your memory skills.
4. Memories of the day
The exercise can be performed by writing or orally. In the evening, before going to bed, replay all the events that happened during the day. Remember the smallest details: verbatim dialogues, the clothes of the interlocutors, the color of the neighboring cars standing in the parking lot, and so on.
5. Arithmetic
Mental calculations are one of the most effective methods of memory development. You do not need to start with multiplying six-digit numbers, you should complicate the task gradually. Even in the simplest case, you need to mentally hold the numbers in your head. It is enough to allocate 10-15 minutes a day for the exercise to notice the results in a month.
Everyone has faced a situation when the necessary information flies out of their heads at the most inopportune moment. A classic situation: you go to a grocery store, and when you go in, you forget what you need to buy. To avoid these situations, you need to use a simple memory development technique: create associative series for each piece of data that you need to remember. You will only be able to forget this information when all the associative links are broken.
Exercises for memory development and associative thinking:
- make chains. Choose any word and continue the associative series. You can do this indefinitely. Try to act intuitively, but not standard. The more original the approach, the harder it will be to forget the series.
- look for unusual associations. Take two words, or better yet, ask someone to write pairs of words that have nothing to do with each other (at first glance). Come up with a unifying association for each pair.
- The exercise, like the previous one, requires words divided into pairs. Only now, for each pair, you need to choose as many associations as possible that would fit each word individually.
Can't remember the information from the tutorial? Can't you learn the new knowledge you need to improve your skills? Mental maps will help. This well-known technique of memory development and data structuring will allow you to hold large amounts of information in your head. The algorithm of its execution is as follows:
- read the information;
- take a piece of paper and a pen;
- in the center, write down the main idea (you can even start with the name of the textbook);
- use the arrows to describe the issues discussed in the topic;
- move on to the finer details of the paragraph, branching the outline out to the sides.
The basic healthy lifestyle recommendations will help you achieve success in memory training. The human ability to remember largely depends on the general state of the body, so exercises for the development of memory are supported by the following habits:
- 1. Give up harmful habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating, and so on.
- 2. Get some fresh air to saturate the brain with oxygen and relax at the same time. There are some additional benefits of being outside during the cold season.
- 3. Lead an active lifestyle. Choose what you like: running, tennis, gym, walking, or else.
- 4. Get enough hours of sleep. A person needs about 7-8 hours of sleep a day. Lack of sleep negatively affects every system of the body.
- 5. Eat right. Fruits and vegetables are your best friends. There are also plenty of great healthy restaurants in every city.
Memory can deteriorate during stressful periods of life, with chronic fatigue, due to general health problems. No methods of memory development will help you if the body is ill.
Very often students are the ones who want to improve their memory. A good memory helps to learn new material, be organized, generate complex ideas, and write great academic papers. If you are still struggling with academic writing you can get essay writing help.
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