How to Determine Your Seasonal Color Palette

Trying to figure out what colors look best on you isn't easy! All humans are unique, but everyone tends to fall into one of the four seasonal categories – Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

Figuring out Your Season

  1. Look at the veins on your wrist to see if they're blue or green. Lift your wrist to eye-level in natural light and inspect your veins. Do they look green, blue, or purple? You might see a few different shades, so be sure to find the predominant color on your wrist and use that to make your determination.[2]
    1. If your veins look green or greenish-blue, you have warm undertones.
    2. If your veins look blue, indigo, or purple, you have cool undertones.
    3. If you can't make a determination, your undertones may by olive. Olive fits the same basic profile as cool.
  2. Narrow down your season possibilities by using your skin's undertones. There are 4 seasons total—Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.[3] Your undertones will narrow your seasons down to two possible options:
    1. If you have warm undertones, you could be either a Spring or an Autumn type.
    2. If you have cool undertones, you are either a Summer or Winter type.
  3. Use your hair and eye colors to deduce your season. Once you've narrowed your seasons down to 2, all you have to do is use your natural eye and hair color to make the final determination. Be sure to use your natural hair color to figure this out, even if you currently have your hair dyed a different color.[4]
  4. Categorize yourself as a Winter if you have dark hair and cool tones. Winters usually have a lot of contrast in their complexion, hair, and eye colors. For example, a Winter might have dark brown hair, pale skin, and piercing blue eyes.[5] Winter types usually have:
    1. Hair color: medium brown, dark brown, or black
    2. Eye color: medium or dark brown, clear blue, grey-blue, or cool green
    3. Keep in mind that olive types follow the same rules as cool.
  5. Put yourself in the Summer type if you have light hair and cool tones. Summers usually don't have a lot of contrast in hair color, eye color, and complexion. For example, a Summer might have blonde and cool green eyes.[6] Summer types typically have:
    1. Hair color: light blond or medium brown
    2. Eye color: blue, cool green, slate, grey-brown, grey-blue
    3. Keep in mind that olive types follow the same rules as cool.
  6. Consider yourself an Autumn if you have warm tones and dark hair. Autumn types have low contrast in the skin, hair, and eye color department. Hair, skin, and eyes tend to have rich, golden undertones. For example, an Autumn could have dark brown hair and green eyes.[7] Autumn types usually have:
    1. Hair color: medium or dark brown, black, medium red, deep auburn
    2. Eye color: hazel, medium to dark brown, olive, warm green
  7. Count yourself as a Spring if you have warm tones and light hair. Spring types usually hair fair skin, light eyes, and light hair. For example, a Spring might have strawberry blonde hair and green eyes.[8] In general, Springs have:
    1. Hair color: light blonde, light to medium brown, strawberry blonde
    2. Eye color: clear blue, green, turquoise, hazel, light brown

Choosing Flattering Colors

  1. Wear medium shades of green, blue, and purple if you're a Winter. Winters look best in cool, fresh colors in medium tones. Some darker shades work great, too. Avoid pastels, which tend to wash out a Winter's natural coloring and look less flattering.[9] Winters look great in colors like:
    1. Cool mint green, medium green, and dark forest green
    2. Medium and dark shades of blue
    3. Medium and dark purple
    4. Cool pink, classic red, and cranberry
    5. Neutrals: dark brown, white, black, cool grey[10]
  2. Stick with cool, muted shades of green, blue, and purple if you're a Summer. Springs look great in cool colors in muted or pastel tones. Avoid most darker colors, which can create an unflattering contrast with your light hair, eyes, and skin.[11] Summers look best in colors like:
    1. Cool shades of light and medium green
    2. Medium and light shades of blue
    3. Periwinkle, light, medium, and deep purple
    4. Cool shades of light and medium pink
    5. Light and medium yellow
    6. Neutrals: white, grey, tan, light brown
  3. Try warm, medium shades of berry, green, and orange if you're a Spring. Medium and clear shades of warmer colors are the most flattering on Springs. Various shades of brown also look great! Avoid dark colors, for the most part. Softer colors and pastels are your best bet.[12] Springs tend to look great in colors like:
    1. Medium and bright green
    2. Medium and muted pink, berry, cranberry
    3. Medium and bright shades of yellow and orange
    4. Muted blue-green
    5. Neutrals: all shades of brown, medium or slate gray, white[13]
  4. Wear medium and dark jewel tones if you're an Autumn. Autumn types look wonderful in bright jewel tones. Stick with bright, medium, and darker shades and avoid pastels.[14] Autumns look the best in colors such as:
    1. Medium and dark green
    2. Rich shades of pumpkin and deep yellow
    3. Deep berry and rust
    4. Neutrals: all shades of brown[15]
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