How to choose when to throw weapons in PUBG

In addition to the guns, the PUBG throwing weapons are also capable of attacking and destroying opponents.

Although guns in survival games are always necessary to destroy the enemy and PUBG is no exception, throwing weapons are also not inferior to guns. With a bullet save, the player can destroy an enemy, if he knows how to use and knows how to use it. Opportunity will play a key role to help you understand the victory or not. The following article will help you choose when to use throwing weapons in PUBG.

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The time to use throwing weapons in PUBG

1. Smoke Grenade

Save smoke bullets will often use the case of deceiving the enemy, increasing the survival rate, winning in many different situations.

You can use it in case of attack, you can use smoke bullet to cover your opponent's vision and shot line. Then we can easily get out of danger to find safer hiding places. Or use to save teammates when shot.

How to choose when to throw weapons in PUBG Picture 1How to choose when to throw weapons in PUBG Picture 1

2. Stun Grenade

Saving a stun bullet will make the opponent unable to see it for a period of time and enough for you to defeat that target. With narrow areas such as indoors, or where there are multiple locations to attack, you can use Stun Grenade to quickly defeat an enemy.

How to choose when to throw weapons in PUBG Picture 2How to choose when to throw weapons in PUBG Picture 2

3. Frag Grenade

Frag Grenade causes a loud explosion to cause tinnitus, causing discomfort to the winner. In the new update, Frag Grenade has been reduced to the level of damage but increased the tinnitus. If the throwing ball is thrown closer, the explosion will be bigger and longer, causing the opponent to be caught off guard. Thus also create opportunities for players to destroy opponents.

But gamers need to deliberately measure the angle to throw the standard, and also need to use the cook technique about 5 seconds before throwing to get more efficiency.

How to choose when to throw weapons in PUBG Picture 3How to choose when to throw weapons in PUBG Picture 3

4. Molotov

Molotov is often used less than the throwing weapons above, because the damage that it brings is not in the immediate form but will slowly so many gamers do not choose. This type of petrol bomb will make the opponent burn and lose color slowly, so emergency situations should not be used.

We can use it in case of invading an opponent, such as hiding outside and throwing a bomb. Then the opponent will have to move out, if not to lose a large amount of blood. Then just rush in to attack the opponent.

How to choose when to throw weapons in PUBG Picture 4How to choose when to throw weapons in PUBG Picture 4

There are weapons in hand will not necessarily help you destroy opponents but also need to calculate the time of use, the position to use as reasonable. Each type of ammunition will have its own effects, so you need to choose to use it, increase attack efficiency and destroy the enemy in PUBG.

See more:

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Wish you all have fun playing games!

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