Guide to play Gunner in Wild Rift League

Guide to play Gunner. Dragon lane, ADC, or ADC is a very important position in League: Wild Rift. When taking on this position, you will face certain tasks to lead the team to victory. And here is a guide to play Gunner in Wild Rift.

The role of Dragon Road Đường

The role of the Dragon lane player is to deal continuous damage to the opponent, throughout the game. At the start, ADCs are usually pretty weak because they don't have a lot of stamina. That's why ADC always needs to have a Support with them to help them survive until the later stages of the game.

But the Gunner's only mission isn't just survival. At the beginning and middle of the game, ADC players always need to try to accumulate as much money and experience as possible, which comes from farming soldiers, eating enemy kills,.

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In the mid and late game, when he has acquired the key equipment, the ADC will promote his strength and become the key to victory. A good ADC will deal tons of damage to the enemy team, helping the team achieve big goals like Turrets, Baron, Dragon, and finally the Town Hall.

In summary, your basic task when playing the Gunner position is:

  1. Farm soldiers, earn a lot of gold to get key equipment.
  2. Use your abundant damage to crush your opponents.
  3. Push the opponent's turret.

Farm soldiers

The best way to have a steady amount of gold is to farm minions. That's why we see ADC players often roaming less compared to other roles that only focus on getting minions.

Each nearby minion will give you gold, and more gold if you kill it yourself. That's why the important skill that you need to practice well when playing Gunner is the last hit. While playing, always calculate how you are always the last to finish the minion, then you will receive the bonus.

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Killing the enemy also gives you a lot of gold, but of course this is more difficult to do and also takes more time. Therefore, instead of investing too much in killing the enemy, farming is a more suitable solution for ADC.

In addition, when you see that the Jungler is 'green', you can stop by to 'eat ke' in the jungle near the bottom lane like Stone Man, Toad. Should avoid eating Red and Blue buffs because the Jungler will probably need them!

Hold position in combat

In each skirmish, whether it's a small fight or a teamfight, the ADC will often stand at a distance, behind his teammates to take advantage of his ranged advantage. Playing it safe should be the number one goal, as the ADC has very little health and is less likely to flee when attacked. You shouldn't try to be a hero and start a skirmish (unless you're too strong).

Range is the key advantage of the ADC, so let your teammates, minions or any other obstacle cover you.

Crafting the Gunner

There is no one way to build for all ADC champions because each champion has a different playstyle and effectiveness.

However, there will usually be options for you to choose to build for ADC such as:

  1. Focus on attack speed: Ashe, Jinx
  2. Focus on physical damage: Jhin, Miss Fortune
  3. Focus on lifesteal: Draven

Including champions like Ezreal, Vayne can build a mixed inventory, with different purposes.

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Of course, the direction of the map is up to you to choose to match the tactics of the whole team. In general, your goal is just to try to deal as much damage as possible, while the teammates ahead are trying to withstand.

ADC plays a great role in every League: Wild Rift match, if you find this position interesting, practice to master it!

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