How to play Wild Rift League of Legends

The Wild Rift map is covered with forests, and there are a variety of beneficial monsters. And of course it needs a ruler, who can freely move in the jungle and influence other lanes.

Here, Tipsmake will help you answer the question: How good is going to the jungle in Wild Rift?

The role of the jungler

The jungler's main role is to make sure his team gets to the map targets, such as the Odd Crab, Rift Herald, Dragon, and finally Baron.

The jungler will affect the entire map, instead of a single lane, and is responsible for pushing all teammates forward. The job they usually do to support their teammates is to go to the lane to knock down the opponent by surprise.

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  1. Gank lanes, helping them in different ways (push minions, kill, destroy towers).
  2. Secure the targets on the map: Crab for vision, Dragon for power-ups or Rift Herald for increased turret push speed.
  3. Prevent your opponent from eating the above targets, and even loot the jungle.
  4. Provide the materials the team needs to win (damage, healing, crowd control,.).

Play Forest Efficiently in Wild Rift

To play the Jungle effectively, you want to first make sure you play a champion that has a versatile ability or fills in what the team lacks. For example, you are a jungler who tends to engage in teamfights, you need teammates that can quickly join the fight, for example: Vi – Yasuo.

Farm the jungle wisely, don't lose your experience too far from the enemy jungle, even if you spend a lot of time ganking. To do this, make sure you combine ganks and jungles in the most convenient way.

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Along the way, ganking can take advantage of destroying a few jungle camps, or even robbing the enemy jungle. Regarding the jungle loot, you should only do this when you are sure you are stronger than the enemy jungle, or know where he is.

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The jungler can make important decisions for the whole team, such as initiating a Dragon kill, splitting the target while the enemy Jungle is absorbed in a different lane.

Position in combat

Usually, the opponent will retreat when you appear in a lane, so you should not appear unless you create a surprise. However, for junglers with strong stalking abilities like Leesin, Jarvan IV or Gragas, ganking and killing opponents is not a difficult task. If you tend to focus on making ganks, pick these champions.

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There will be jungle champions that are less mobile but have a very good ability to deal damage like Graves. You will need teammates who can initiate combat and you follow them, such a strategy works very well.

Always make sure there's a way out in every gank, unless you know the sacrifice will pay off. If you go to war without any plan, you will probably lie down and lose important targets, like Baron.

Gearing up for the Jungler

There's not much about jungler build, buy whatever will benefit you and your team, depending on the champion you play. Some junglers can buy support items, to help more teammates.

Forest is a pretty versatile role that has a big impact on the game. A good jungler can bring hope to the team when the game is tilted in the opponent's favor. In general, their role is quite unique, as long as they have good map control, focus on the goal, the jungler can lead the whole team to victory.

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