Google announced the most powerful 72-qubit Bristlecone quantum chip at the moment

Recently, Google launched Bristlecon, a 72-qubit powerful new quantum processing chip.

Recently, Google launched Bristlecon, a 72-qubit powerful new quantum processing chip. They believe that Bristlecone can reach the Quantum supremacy - a milestone in which quantum computers are able to perform some of the more efficient tasks of conventional computers opening up many new aspects. of science and technology) is still open.

Google announced the most powerful 72-qubit Bristlecone quantum chip at the moment Picture 1Google announced the most powerful 72-qubit Bristlecone quantum chip at the moment Picture 1

With Bristlecone, researchers will be provided with a platform to test the error rate and the ability to scale up qubit technology and test other applications in quantum emulation and optimization of tasks. Machine technology and machine learning improvements.

This chip is designed based on the principle of preserving 9-qubit linear technology that Google had previously established. Because, this technology has a low output error rate (only 1%), the other research results are the most optimal ever. It can get up to 72-qubit level and remain stable.

Google announced the most powerful 72-qubit Bristlecone quantum chip at the moment Picture 2Google announced the most powerful 72-qubit Bristlecone quantum chip at the moment Picture 2

Google believes that with a system of only 49 qubits, we will reach the Quantum King. And the 72-qubit Bristlecone chip will help them reach this milestone.

But to keep Bristlecone running at its highest performance requires technology from hardware to extremely advanced software. This will be a big obstacle for researchers. Test and research results will be updated by Google as soon as possible.

See more:

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