Endangered white dolphin in Mexico

A white dolphin of Vaquita was found dead in the Gulf of Mexico, the country's environmental protection agency has issued a warning to raise the number of Vaquita white dolphins to 4 in 2017.

A white dolphin of Vaquita was found dead in the Gulf of Mexico, the country's environmental protection agency has issued a warning to raise the number of Vaquita white dolphins to 4 in 2017.

Currently, there are only 30 white dolphins of the Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) in existence, they are extremely rare mammals, the world's smallest dolphin that lives only in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists also warned that they are facing a complete extinction in 2022.

In addition, a part of California dolphins was also found 24km (15 miles) north of the town of San Felipe, in the state of Baja California on Barra del Estero Primer beach also receiving the attention of scientific circles learn.

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It is known that scientists have found the body of a young Vaquita dolphin, about 115cm long, in a state of decay that cannot determine its gender. They found cuts on this animal's body, maybe they were stuck to the net and that was the reason it died.

Besides, Mexican authorities say that in recent years, there have been a large number of rare and precious freshwater fishes that have died a lot due to illegal exploitation, including endangered species, especially is the big Totoaba fish. Smugglers often dry Totoaba fish bubbles and bring them to China for tens of thousands of dollars to cook soup.

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Previously, in 2015, President Enrique Pena Nieto deployed the navy to prevent illegal fishing, increase the area of ​​protection for Vaquita white dolphin and impose a two-year ban invading forbidden waters to exploit. In addition, airspace aircraft are also involved in this new effort.

To protect the Vaquita fish, the Mexican government announced its plan on April 4, 2017 to bring some Vaquita withered white fish to some temporary safe shelters.

The Mexican Ministry of the Environment said this "ambitious emergency plan" will be implemented with the help of international conservation groups.

However, this plan is controversial because some conservationists believe that Vaquita is not an animal that can grow in captivity.

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