Dirty stethoscope can spread many types of antibiotic-resistant viruses

If your doctor monitors you with an unhygienic stethoscope, chances are you may have an infection caused by the antibiotic-resistant virus, the researchers warned.

If your doctor monitors you with an unhygienic stethoscope, chances are you may have an infection caused by the antibiotic-resistant virus, the researchers warned.

According to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the medical equipment can be reused, such as a stethoscope, but must be disinfected.

However, research shows that health care providers rarely perform stethoscope hygiene between multiple patients, although its importance for infection prevention is extreme. big period.

If not hygienic, the stethoscope can keep potential germs growing many antibiotic resistant viruses such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Clostridium difficile, and vancomycin-resistant enterococci - responsible for causing diseases such as pneumonia , urinary tract infections (UTIs), and skin infections, which can also be life-threatening, the researchers said.

Dirty stethoscope can spread many types of antibiotic-resistant viruses Picture 1Dirty stethoscope can spread many types of antibiotic-resistant viruses Picture 1

"Stethoscope is used continuously throughout the day and is susceptible to contamination after every contact with the patient, so they must be treated continuously," said Linda Greene, President of the Society of Infection Specialists. Central Epidemiology (APIC) in Virginia, USA said in a statement.

Greene added: "No stethoscope disinfection can be a serious problem for patient safety just like skipping hand hygiene . "

The researchers observed cleaning the stethoscope for 4 weeks at medical students, resident doctors and doctors at a hospital.

The results showed that no stethoscope hygiene in the team was monitored.

We believe that stethoscope hygiene should be popular, doing research including hand hygiene in the hospital before holding the stethoscope.

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