Decoding the world's most crowded man, 1,171 children in 32 years

Genghis Khan - the leader of the warring Mongol army is not the most male man in the world, this title belongs to Sultan Moulay Ismaïl - the king of Morocco is famous for being brutal and bloodthirsty with a number of children of 1,171 people.

Genghis Khan - the leader of the warring Mongol army is not the most male man in the world, this title belongs to Sultan Moulay Ismaïl - the king of Morocco is famous for being brutal and bloodthirsty with a number of children of 1,171 people. This is the most conceived man in the history of the world ever.

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Sultan Moulay Ismaïl (1645-1727) is one of the greatest figures in Morocco (Morocco), the country located in northern Africa. He came to the throne at the age of 26, when Morocco was weakened by internal wars between tribes. But with the right policies, he quickly revived the country.

Decoding the world's most crowded man, 1,171 children in 32 years Picture 1Decoding the world's most crowded man, 1,171 children in 32 years Picture 1

Moulay Ismaïl is considered a brutal and bloodthirsty king. During 55 years of reign, he gave the headlines of about 400 leaders and opposition politicians, more than 30,000 people, not to mention the dead enemies on the battlefield. Even this brutal king even ordered the display of thousands of enemies' skulls during his enthronement.

For her women, Ismaïl always severely punishes anyone who dares to adultery. He personally strangled them to death or ordered an extraction or removal of the chest. Men who keep an eye on Ismaïl's wife or concubine are also executed.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Sultan Ismaïl is the most male in the world in history, with 888 children. But Dominique Busnot, a French diplomat who visited Morocco under Sultan Ismaïl in 1704, noted that the emperor had 1,171 children born by four official wives and 500 concubines. At that time, Sultan Ismaïl was crowned 32 years and turned 57.

Decoding the world's most crowded man, 1,171 children in 32 years Picture 2Decoding the world's most crowded man, 1,171 children in 32 years Picture 2

Previously, some scientists did not believe that King Sultan Ismaïl could have many children as the number of Busnot published. Because they think that women can only conceive for a few days each month, the rest of the time, no matter how strong the sperm is, cannot fertilize an egg.

A group of researchers at the University of Vienna (Austria) has conducted experiments to find answers to this question. They built computer simulations to determine how many times Sultan Ismaïl needed to be "involved" in 32 years to become the father of 1,171 children. These simulations are based on at least three popular conception models, providing all the possibilities of the menstrual cycle of women who have "relationship" with Sultan Ismaïl, the timeliness of time. ovulation and vitality of the king.

From the data show that, in order to generate such record numbers, Sultan Ismaïl only needs to maintain the exact "love" frequency of 0.83 - 1.43 times / day. Even, he only needs to "relate" from 65 to 110 women, not enough to use the harem, including 4 wives and 500 concubines.

Elisabeth Oberzaucher, research author at the University of Vienna (Austria), said that depending on the simulation program used, it will give different research results. But Ismaïl really has the capacity to produce 1171 children.

In early 2014, this study was published in the journal Plos Once.

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