Decode the symbol of the ancient Egyptians

Egypt has always been a land of incredible hidden stories in history. The symbols depicted in ancient texts are referred to as the 'Word of the Gods' and are used frequently in religious ceremonies, sacrifices bearing a mythical imprint.

Ankh - Symbol of eternal life

Ankh is an Egyptian hieroglyph that means 'life'. Only the Pharaoh , Empress and the gods are allowed to wear this symbol because it is believed to bring the power of the person who wields it can bestow or take life from others. It is also considered a 'key of life' because its very key-shaped form has created the belief that it can unlock the 'gates of hell'.

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Ankh also evokes the image of the sunrise on the horizon, symbolizing daily rebirth. Horus 'eye - Symbol of wisdom, protection and health': Horus's eye (or Egyptian eye) - symbol of power of ancient Egypt, known by many people in the world for its Widely used to this day.

According to experts, the Horus eye symbol is shaped like an eagle's eye. Horus is the god representing health, life and rebirth. In Egyptian mythology, Horus was an angel of ancient Egypt who incarnated as a falcon. The eagle's right eye is the eye of Horus, also considered a symbol of the Sun. The left eye represents the moon and the god Tehuti.

The ancients believed this immortal symbol would support the rebirth. Maat's feather - The symbol of truth, morality, and balance of justice: The feather is considered a symbol of the Maat goddess. The heart of the dead will be weighed against the feather of the god Matt on the Last Judgment Day.

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Horus eye symbol.

If it was the heart of an honest person, it would be equal to the weight of a feather and that person would be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Osiris. If that heart is filled with sin, it will be heavier than the feather and that person will be taken as bait for the Ammut monster. It is the Pharaoh's responsibility to establish and maintain the Maat law as a way to keep the cosmic order in balance.

When a Pharaoh dies, Maat will temporarily disappear and the world will be in chaos again, until there is the rise of a new Pharaoh. Hook and cross - A symbol of royal power and power: Hook and cross were often worn together as a pair, popularly used during the Middle Kingdom, a symbol used as an affirmative scepter. power and power of the king. The couple is derived from the ancient agricultural god of Egypt, Anedjti. He is depicted wearing a crown with two feathers and a typical hook and cross handle.

Later, Anedjti assimilated into one with Osiris and all features of the deity's identity were transferred to Osiris. The hook is held in the left hand and the cross is in the right. The hook (heq) symbolizes the phonaoh's negative or 'spiritual power', affirming his role as the protector of the people or the 'shepherd' - God responsible for leading and caring for your "sheep".

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Ancient Egyptian gods and hooks, crossbones symbolize their mystical power.

The crossbow (nekhakha) symbolizes positivity and the aspect of tangible power because Pharaoh is mortal but represents all the gods that govern the three realms: metaphysical, cosmic and earth. It also represented the farmer - the one who created food and looked after all life in the field (the crossbow was used as a farmer's threshing device in ancient Egypt).

Its message is like a reminder that a truly talented leader must know how to combine discipline with intelligence and understanding, must have kindness to temper justice and make right decisions. best. Their holding postures also have different meanings. In ancient times, the posture of crossing arms in front of the chest signified death and the dead were often buried in this position.

However, the same posture and the cross-hook and cross-hook are meant to mean the revival as in the pictures we often see in Tutankhamun's coffin. When held in front of them, it means that the judgment, or depicted in connection with the god Anubis, the underworld god and the judge in the Maat trial.

It is thought that the letter X originates from the image of two crossbones and hooks crossed and that is a symbol of death and rebirth. In the original, the word 'ex' - which symbolizes the letter X - means dead, when people say ex-husband means to refer to the deceased husband.

Scarab - symbol of strength, creativity and transformation

The dung beetle represents the sun god Khepri involved in the revival. The beetle usually lays eggs in the faeces of other animals, curls them up like a ball and rolls into the hole, which is the beginning of a young ladybug's life cycle. The Egyptians likened this behavior to the movement of the sun 'ball' rolling in the sky and its daily rebirth.

Ancient Egyptians believed that a scarab that flew in the sky every morning would call the sun to rise. Therefore, the scarab is a symbol of the rising sun, used to protect from the devil, it is also a symbol of rebirth, creation, transformation, bringing strength to its wearer. Large beetles and heart-shaped beetles are considered lucky insects and are placed on mummies to protect them against demons.

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Ancient Egyptians thought the beetle was a symbol of strength, creativity and transformation

When Pharaoh Amenhotep III died, hundreds of scarlet-shaped keepsakes were made to mark the milestones of his life. Lotus - Symbol of the Sun, nobility, creativity and rebirth: Egypt has two native varieties of lotus growing, white and blue lotus, later introduced the pink lotus. from Persia. All three types of lotus are described in Egyptian art but the blue lotus variety is most widely used and popular.

According to Egyptian creative theory, in the early days, there was a giant lotus flower rising in the ocean of chaos. From that lotus, the sun appeared for the first time on Earth. The golden lotus in the blue lotus reminds the Egyptians of the rising sun from the original painted sea as in the legend of the birth of all things.

At night, the flower penguins and sink under the water to dawn, it blooms brilliantly again. Blue or white flower varieties are widely used in medicinal preparations. In math, the lotus symbol represents the number 1,000. It is also the symbol of Upper Egypt and represents the resurrection of Isis.

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