Computer manufacturing Nvidia can drive automatically

Nvidia Corp. created a powerful new computer that they said could turn self-driving cars into completely unmanned vehicles.

Nvidia Corp. created a powerful new computer that they said could turn self-driving cars into completely unmanned vehicles.

The new mini computer named Pegasus, 10 times stronger than its predecessor, can handle more than 320 billion billions of calculations per second, CEO Jen Hsun Huang said at a company conference in Germany on Tuesday.

Such a calculation is required to quickly process information around the car and provide safe driving instructions. This is especially true for Level 5 vehicles without drivers.

Santa Clara, a company in California, will provide this new product from the second half of 2018. A potential application is used to transport goods. Nvidia said it would help Deutsche Post AG and DHL branch automate electronic shipping. The test will start next year and eventually, unmanned trucks can follow a man-controlled vehicle to deliver or fully take care of the job.

Nvidia's share price has risen more than 4% in New York, while Nasdaq has not changed significantly.

Computer manufacturing Nvidia can drive automatically Picture 1Computer manufacturing Nvidia can drive automatically Picture 1
Nvidia's CEO is aiming for the auto sector

Like rival Intel Corp and Qualcomm Inc., Nvidia is trying to bet its best - computer graphics processor - into autos, a potential area in the semiconductor industry. Graphics processors help work with graphics data, Nvidia said, which is ideal when such calculations are used to help cars see the world around them.

Nvidia has learned from 225 partners who are using their computer system to create self-driving cars. Their self-driving car chain is like a small data center with a personal computer chain, very expensive, bulky and expensive, Nvidia said. Pegasus system will be a more suitable choice.

'Pegasus will work well and save energy for Level 5 cars,' said Danny Shapiro, senior director of self-driving cars at Nvidia.

Initially, Nvidia will try on taxi and transport goods to the private sector, Shapiro said. The company has not planned when to make public. 'Technology also needs to be prepared before the law in the United States,' he said.

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