Cisco CCNA command synthesis
The article will try to synthesize CCNA commands in both ICND parts 1 and 2 as well as the current CCNA exam (640-802). Although it is not possible to list the full IOS command list, it includes most of the commands that will appear on the CCNA exam. Older CISCO order lists may contain additional commands, such as IPX, that no longer appear on the CCNA exam.
If you follow's Cisco Lab articles, you will see them in English, so the following command table will "play" bilingual, "half lean half fat" so that you can understand it. strange when using all Vietnamese.
Popular CCNA commands
- Cisco commands access to modes
- Common shortcuts
- CISCO switch configuration command
- Cisco router configuration command
- Privilege Commands, show commands on the Router
- Copy command on Cisco router
- Debug commands on Cisco routers
Cisco commands access to modes
User mode (user mode)
Enter Privilege mode (enter privileged mode)
Switch> enable
Privileged mode (privileged mode)
Switch #
Enter configuration mode (enter configuration mode)
Switch # configure terminal
Global Config mode
Switch (config) #
Enter Interface mode
Switch (config) #interface fa0 / 1
Interface mode
Switch (config-if)
Return to global configuration (Return to Global Config)
Switch (config-if) exit
Exit Global Config mode (Exit Global Config)
Switch (config) #exit
Return to user mode (Return to user mode)
Switch # disable
Logout (Logout)
Switch> exit
Common shortcuts
Recall Previous command (Call Previous command)
Up arrow or p
Recall Next command (Call the Next command)
Down arrow or n
Start the command
End the command
Delete the input
Exit Configuration Mode
Refresh output on the screen
Complete the order
CISCO switch configuration command
Configure device system name (Configure device name)
Switch (config) #hostname sw1
Sets the encrypted enable password (Set up an encryption password)
Switch (config) #enable secret cisco
Sets the unencrypted enable password (Set unencrypted password)
Switch (config) #enable password cisco
Bật tắt mật khẩu mật khẩu trên tất cả mật khẩu văn bản trong tập tin cấu hình (encrypt all passwords in the configuration file)
Switch (config) #service password-encryption
Configure a Message Of The Banner, with an ending character of $ (set notification for banner, ending in $)
Switch (config) #banner motd $
Assign IP address to vlan (assign ip to vlan)
Switch (config) #int vlan 1
Switch (config-if) #ip addr
Assign Default gateway, note the mode: assign default gateway.
Switch (config) #ip default-gateway
Select one interface: choose an interface.
Switch (config) #int fa0 / 1
Select a range of interfaces (version dependant): choose a range of interfaces.
Switch (config) #int range fa0 / 1 - 12
Set the interface description: Write a description for the interface.
Switch (config-if) #description
Add vlan using config mode: add vlan using config mode.
switch (config) #vlan 11 switch (config-vlan) #name test
Configure Interface fa0 / 1 @ speed 100 Mbps and full duplex: Configure int fa0 / 1 at 100Mbps and full duplex.
Switch (config-if) #speed 100 Switch (config-if) #duplex full
Assign interface to vlan: assign int to vlan.
switch (config-if) #switchport access vlan 11
Enable Port Security: Enable port security.
Switch (config-if) #switchport mode access Switch (config-if) #switchport port-security Switch (config-if) #switchport port-security mac-address sticky
Disable Interface: turn off int
Switch (config-if) shutdown
Enable Interface: allows int to work.
Switch (config-if) no shutdown
Configures 5 Telnet sessions each with a password of 'cisco': allow 5 Telnet sessions at a time, the password is cisco.
Switch (config) #line vty 0 4
Switch (config-line) #login
Switch (config-line) #password cisco
Enable and define console password of 'cisco': Activating and setting the console password is cisco.
Switch (config) #line child 0
Switch (config-line) #login
Switch (config-line) #password cisco
Synchronize console messages (keep what you have on the screen): Synchronize console notifications, keep what you've typed on the screen.
Switch (config-line) #logging synchronous
Set the timezone and automatically adjust: Set the timezone and automatically change.
Switch (config) #clock timezone gmt 0 Switch (config) #clock summer-time gmt recurring
Sets priority switch for vlan: Set priority for vlan.
Switch (config) # spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 4096
Enables portfast: Enable portfast.
Switch (config) #int fa0 / 1
Switch (config-if) # spanning-tree portfast
Enables RSTP: Turn on RSTP, there are other options are PVST and MST.
Switch (config) # spanning-tree rapid-pvst mode
Creates a vlan: Create vlan. This command is executed in config mode, not in vlan database and the int vlan command does not create vlan.
Switch (config) #vlan 2 Switch (config-vlan) #name sales
Assign an interface to vlan 2: Assign int to vlan 2.
Switch (config-if) #switchport access vlan 2
Forcing int is an unconditional trunk. It is possible to choose another mode of access and dynamic.
Switch (config-if) #switchport mode trunk
Manually switch the switch to the VTP domain. The switch automatically becomes part of the VTP domain if it is in the "null" domain and receives the VTP frame.
Switch (config) #vtp domain lab
Changing VTP mode from default mode is server to client. In client mode, it cannot be changed.
Switch (config) #vtp mode client
Cisco router configuration command
Set a password console to cisco: Setting the console password is Cisco. Router (config) #line child 0Router (config-line) #login
Router (config-line) #password cisco Set a telnet password: Set telnet password. Router (config) #line vty 0 4
Router (config-line) #login
Router (config-line) #password cisco Stop console timing out: Console is not logged off. Router (config) #line child 0
Router (config-line) # exec-timeout 0 0 Set the enable password to cisco: Set the enable password to be cisco. Router (config) #enable password cisco
Đặt sự mật khẩu enable enable sang peter:
Set secret password is peter. This password overrides the enable password and is encrypted in the configuration file.
Router (config) #enable secret peter Enable an interface: Enable interface. Router (config-if) #no shutdown To disable an interface: Turn off the interface. Router (config-if) #shutdown Set the clock rate for a router with a DCE cable to 64K: Set the clock rate for the router with the DCE cable to 64000. Router (config-if) clock rate 64000 Set a logical bandwidth assignment of 64K the serial interface: Assign logical bandwidth to the serial interface. Router (config-if) bandwidth 64 To add an IP address to a interface: Add IP to the interface. Router (config-if) #ip addr To enable RIP on all 172.16.xy interfaces: Turn on RIP on all interface 172.16.xy Router (config) #router ripRouter (config-router) #network Disable RIP: Turn off RIP. Router (config) #no To rip router enable IRGP with a AS of 200, to all interfaces: Turn on IRGP with AS 200 for all interfaces. Router (config) #router igrp 200
Router (config-router) # Network Disable IGRP: Turn off IGRP. Router (config) #no igrp 200 router The static remote network route is, with the mask, the next hop is, with the cost of 5 hop. Router (config) #ip route 5 Disable CDP for the whole router: Turn off the CDP for the whole router. Router (config) #no cdp run Enable CDP for the whole router: Turn on the CDP for the whole router. Router (config) #cdp run Disable CDP on an interface: Turn off CDP on the interface. Router (config-if) #no cdp enable
Enable the http server to SDM can be used: Enable http server to use SDM.
Router (config) #ip http server
Defines a username and password: Set username (sue) and password (cisco). Can be used for PPP authentication or user access.
Router (config) #username to password cisco
Determine the local host file in unix, like:
/ etc / hosts in unix
Router (config) #ip host mypc
Disable Disables DNS lookup. Useful when commands are typed.
Router (config) #no ip domain-lookup
Set the logical bandwidth (not physical) for the interface. Commonly used by routing protocols, SNMP queries.
Router (config) #int s0
Router (config-if) #bandwidth
Setting up the physical clock
Router (config-if) #clock rate 64000
Set WAN interface serial encapsulation: In addition to hdlc there is another option, PPP and frame-relay.
Router (config-if) #encapsulation hdlc
Authentication on PPP is optional: Authentication on PPP is optional. This command turns chap on interface, another option is PAP.
Router (config-if) #ppp authentication chap
Choose LMI type. If the LMI type is not properly configured it will be detected automatically.
Router (config-if) # frame-relay lmi-type cisco
Static routing. Static routing types have Administrative Distance (AD) of 1, so it will override any dynamic routing.
Router (config) #ip route
Enables RIP version 1 on all LOCAL interfaces mà có một address: Enable RIP v1 on all LOCAL interfaces with address
Enables RIP version 2: Turn on RIP v2
Router (config) #router rip
Router (config-router) #network
Router (config-router) #version 2
Enable router to provide a DHCP service: Set up DHCP on the router.
Router (config) #ip dhcp pool MYPOOL
Router (dhcp-config) #network
Router (dhcp-config) # default-router Router (dhcp-config) #exit
Router (config) #ip excluded-address dhcp
Setup config register: Specify the router to do when it starts.
Router (config) # config-register 0x2102
Create sub logic interface under the physical interface.
Enable 802.1q trunking on the interface.
Set IP address.
Router (config) #int fa0 / 0.1
Router (config-subif) #encapsulation dot1Q 1
Router (config-subif) #ip address
Enabling OSPF on any local interface starts with IP address 10.1.xx
Router (config -) # router ospf 1
Router (config-router) #network area 0
EIGRP can be configured in the same way as RIP or use mask options.
Router (config) #router eigrp 1
Router (config-router) #network Or
Router (config-router) # Network
Set ACL standard. This standard uses numbers from 1 to 99.
Router (config) # access-list 1 permit
Set Extended ACL. The first address is the source IP address.
Router (config) # access-list 101 deny tcp host host eq telnet Router (config) # access-list 101 ip permits any any
Dùng bộ lệnh này để attach một giao diện ACL: Use the group command to attach the ACL to the interface.
Router (config) #interface fa0 / 0
Router (config-if) #ip access-group 1 out
An example of using an ACL name instead of a number.
Router (config) #ip access-list extended my_list
Router (config-ext-nacl) # deny tcp host host eq ftp
Router (config-ext-nacl) # ip permit any any
Assign the ACL to the interface by name.
Router (config) #int fa0 / 0
Router (config-if) #ip access-group my_list printed
Configuring a static NAT to allow a server to be accessed via the Internet, using the IP address on interface s0 / 0/1: Configure static NAT to allow server access over the Internet, using the IP address on the interface s0 / 0 /first.
Router (config) #ip nat inside source static interface s0 / 0/1
Defining interface which NAT takes place between: Specifies the interface that NAT happens.
Router (config) #int fa0 / 0.1
Router (config-if) #ip nat inside
Enables RIPng: Turn on RIPng
Router (config) # ipv6 unicast-routing
Router (config) # ipv6 rip ccna router
Router (config) #int s0 / 0/0
Router (config-if) # ipv6 rip ccna enable
Privilege Commands on the Switch
Turn on the setup dialog box automatically when the device starts without configuration.
Switch # setup
Displays the held config in DRAM. Có không có nếu không sao lưu chạy câu lệnh start không được dùng: Show configuration saved in DRAM. This configuration is lost when the command not copy run start is not used.
Switch # show running-config
Displays the NVRAM (None volatile) config: Displays NVRAM configuration.
Switch # show startup-config
Saves the config: Save the configuration, without this command all changes and configuration will be lost.
Switch # copy running-config startup-config
Lưu hành chạy config để một TFTP server: Save the configuration running into the TFTP server.
Switch # copy running-config tftp
Copies IOS files to a TFTP server: Copy the IOS file to the TFTP server.
Switch # copy flash tftp
Copies files from a TFTP server the flash device: Copy files from TFTP to the flash device.
Switch # copy tftp flash
Erase the config held in NVRAM: Delete the configuration saved in VNRAM. If you execute this command with reload, all configuration will be lost.
Switch # erase startup-config
Reboots the device: Restart the switch.
Switch # reload
Sequence abort: Cancel a command, procedure
Suspend Telnet Session: Pause telnet session
Press at the same time 6, release all the keys and immediately press x
Show the current sessions: View the current session, which session * is the active session.
Switch # show sessions
Forcible closes a telnet session: Force to close a telnet session.
Switch # disconnect
Set the local device clock: Set the local time for the device. This command is not executed in configuration mode.
Switch # clock set 10:00:00 april 2 2008
Display version IOS along with other useful info: View IOS version and other useful information such as uptime system, register configuration .
Switch # show version
View file contents of flash.
Switch # show flash
See time.
Switch # show clock
See the user currently logged in.
Switch # show users
By default displays the last 10 commands: See the 10 commands used.
Switch # show history
Displays the ARP cache: View ARP cache.
Switch # show arp
Displays the spanning tree status on 1 vlan: View the state of spanning tree on vlan 1.
Switch # show spanning-tree vlan 1
Lists all the configured vlans: List all configured vlan.
Switch # show vlan
Displays VTP info such as VTP mode, VTP domain, VTP counter: View VTP information such as mode, domain, counter.
Switch # sh vtp status
Ping selected address: Ping an IP address.
Switch # ping
Extended ping: Must be executed in privilege mode.
Switch # ping
Display the status interface: Displays the interface status.
Switch # show int fa0 / 1
Hiển thị trạng thái vlan và địa chỉ IP địa chỉ IP (thường sự quản lý vlan): See VLAN 1 status.
Switch # show interfaces vlan 1
Displays a list of CDP neighbors: See CDP list.
Switch # show cdp neighbors
Extended information on the above: See more information than the above command.
Switch # show cdp neighbors details
Display CDP packets as they arrive: See CDP packages when they arrive.
Switch # debug cdp packets
Display ping packets as they arrive: Displays ping packets when they arrive.
Switch # debug icmp packets
Display MAC Addresses table switch. Entries are from the source address in the Ethernet frames: See the MAC address table, taken from the source MAC address in the Ethernet frame.
Switch # show mac address-table
Privilege Commands, show commands on the Router
Cisco command
Enter privileged mode
Return to user mode from privileged
Exit the router
logout / exit / quit
See the router version
Router # show version
View current configuration (DRAM)
Router # show running-config
See startup configuration (NVRAM)
Router # show startup-config
See the capacity of IOS file, flash
Router # show flash
View all recorded router logs.
Router # show log
See interface status of interface e0
Router # show interface e0
Hiển thị thiết bị xác thực giao diện và IP địa chỉ giao diện cho các giao dịch: See operating status of interface and IP address for all router interfaces.
Router # show ip interface brief
See cable type on s0
Router # show controllers 0
See connected cdp devices
Router # show cdp neighbor
See detailed information on all devices
Router # show cdp entry *
Displays all the routing protocols: See all configured routing protocols.
Router # show ip protocols
Displays the IP routeing table: Displays IP routing tables.
Router # show ip route
Show access list
Router # show access-lists
See which routers see the ISDN switch
Router # show isdn status
Displays the NAT translations: See the NET translation.
Router # show ip nat translations
View physical cable configuration:
DTE / DCE, x.21, V.35,
Router # show controllers s 0
Displays the end-to-end status: Displays end-to-end status
Router # show frame-relay pvc
Displays the type of LMI and the number LMI frames: See LMI type and LMI frame number.
Router # show frame-relay lmi
Hiển thị một số hiệu đối số đối tượng bracket ARP table: Show frame frame relay inverse ARP.
Router # show frame-relay map
See the list of ospf neighbors and their status
Router # show ip ospf neighbor
See the status of ospf interface.
Router # show ip ospf interface
View the list of neighbor eigrp and their status.
Router # show ip eigrp neighbor
See interface status EIGRP.
Router # show ip eigrp interface
View all trunk ports on the device
Router # show interface trunk
ping IPv6
Router # ping 2000: 1000: 500: 3 :: 1
Copy command on Cisco router
Request Cisco Command Save current configuration from DRAM to NVRAM copy running-config startup-config Merge NVRAM configuration into DRAM copy startup-config running-config Copy DRAM configuration to TFTP server copy runing-config tftp Configuration merge TFTP image with the current router configuration saved on DRAM copy tftp runing-config Backup IOS to TFTP server copy flash tftp Upgrade IOS router from TFTP server copy tftp flashDebug commands on Cisco routers
Request Cisco Turn on debug command for RIP debug ip deletion View IGRP debug information summarizing debug ip igrp events See the IGRP debug information in details of debugging igrp transactions Debug IPX RIP debug ipx routing activity Debug IPX SAP debug IPX SAP Debugging IPX SAP debug IPX SAP Turn on debug CHAP or PAP debug ppp authentication Turn off all debug no debug allundebug all
See also: CCNP_BCMSN Lab: Trunk Configuration
You should read it
- Del command in Windows
- Cmstp command in Windows
- The certutil command in Windows
- The basics of Cisco Switch Management - Part 1
- Run remote commands on Cisco routers from the computer
- 7 commands to manipulate the most basic files and folders everyone must know
- How to use the command history function in Command Prompt
- Set command in Windows
- Cmd command in Windows
- Switch Case command in JavaScript
- Bitsadmin getdisplayname and bitsadmin geterror command in Windows
- The echo command in Windows