Chinese students wear a concentration meter to help parents and teachers know when they are not focused
A school in Shanghai, China is piloting fifth-graders to wear a concentration meter on their heads. This helps the teacher know which students are distracted, not focusing on the lesson.
All information collected will be sent to the teacher's computer screen or parents. From that, they can know the learning attitude of their children. This is part of a high-tech application, especially artificial intelligence to support China's education in order to create new generations with higher capabilities.
Chinese students wear a concentration meter to help parents and teachers know when they are not focused Picture 1
This concentration meter works by combining electrode hardware (including 3 in the front of the forehead and 2 in the back of the ear) to monitor brain waves with algorithms, bigdata and intelligence. artificial intelligence.
Before entering the class, students will wear a bracelet and be guided to close their eyes to meditate a little. The bracelet will continuously identify the brainwave and send it to the server throughout the learning process.
After each lesson, the student's concentration level will be graded and sent to the parent phone app. From there, parents will know how their children are going to school today, whether or not they will focus on studying.
Chinese students wear a concentration meter to help parents and teachers know when they are not focused Picture 2
However, many neuroscientists believe that such EEG devices have a complex way of operating, even a small amount of movement can distort the results, so they are often used in the laboratory by doctors. Experiments for research. Therefore, it is currently not possible to determine the accuracy of the focusing device that is worn on a student's head?
In addition to the bracelet, China also uses many other high-tech products in schools such as robots to monitor the health and dynamism of children, uniforms with chips to check attendance and track locations .
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