Brawlhalla tips for beginners

Brawlhalla is a 2D fighting game where players will participate in a fierce arena, requiring a lot of skills. The game has more than 20 modes and more than 50 Legend characters for gamers to try and change the game with unique techniques and weapons.

With such a large amount of content, players can find it difficult to get started, so let's learn tips to become more professional when playing Brawlhalla.

Movement is the key

The most basic and most important advice for Brawlhalla is movement. Movement is the most important thing in Brawlhalla, positioning your character, getting in and out of combat when the time comes.

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Players should move constantly instead of lying still so as not to become an easy target for the enemy to practice combos.

Going into training mode and practicing the moves will improve the ability to a significant extent. And once you've mastered the move, combining it with jumping and diving is the key to winning every match in Brawlhalla.

Perform light attacks

People won't win by just moving, and attacking is the other essential thing. But the player may not know when to use which attack.

There are 2 types of attacks in Brawlhalla namely Light Attack and Heavy Attack / Signature . Signature attacks deal more damage but light attacks are faster and spam more because of the less delay.

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Signature attacks have a large range, but if they miss, the enemy will have a greater chance to counterattack. While light attacks are more versatile and can be easily combined into combos to harass enemies continuously.

There are 3 types of light attacks, 2 directed attacks and normal light attacks that can be performed to chain with the next light attack. Use a combination of these light attacks to inflict drain on enemies and then finish them off with your character's signature attack.

Jump often to make it difficult for opponents to attack

The third important thing to remember when playing Brawlhalla is jumping. Being in the air makes it much harder for an opponent to target than it is on the ground.

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The character can jump 2 times at once, jump off the platform and jump again in the air. Using jumps wisely along with smart moves can help a beginner become a pro player to a large extent.

There is another concept in the game called fast fall. If you keep the direction right after jumping in the air, the character will fall faster.

Master the art of dashing

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If the Dash button is pressed while holding a direction, the character will dash a small distance in the selected direction. It's a very useful action, especially when playing ranked. It allows the character to quickly engage and defeat the opponent.

Besides, dashing is also very useful in dodging the opponent's signature attacks, which usually hit very hard but take a bit of time to finish.

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