Art of behavior when praised by someone

To be praised by anyone who doesn't like it, but responding to those compliments is polite, not everyone knows
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In this life, one of us would like to receive praise from everyone around us. However, how to accept that compliment, without affecting the conversation of the two. Most people, when receiving the compliment, appear to be normal and casual, but are actually happy.

According to social analysts, people who receive praise often receive in three ways: accept, distract or deny that compliment. If you fully accept the compliment, it seems that you are an arrogant person but completely denies that compliment is considered a vulgar act and confuses the speaker and the listener. So, most people choose a safer solution, which is to mitigate compliments with a distracting response.

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Here are some things you should and should not do in response to someone's compliments

1. Do not do the same thing with the opponent

When you get a compliment from someone, you don't have to give another compliment to your opponent because sometimes these compliments are not honest. At the same time, you should also pay attention to avoid being "too praised" by someone. If you receive a compliment, accept it and let everything go naturally.

2. Don't ignore the compliments

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During the conversation, you receive a compliment from the opponent, but you ignore that compliment, which will make the conversation uncomfortable. Besides, when you ignore the compliment it will make the opponent think, they should say too small so you don't hear what they say and are afraid to say a word twice. When you do not accept the compliment, this will make the opponent extremely confused, because the compliment that is said is not received.

3. Do not lower yourself

Many people who receive compliments often try to show their shields, respond to the other person by something else or alleviate the compliment. For example, when someone praises you often respond in a way: "Oh, nothing" or "Everyone can do it". However, these answers make you lower yourself. It is also an expression of forgetting your own values, giving you two reasons to reconcile your compliments or say something negative about yourself.

Things you should keep in mind when receiving compliments

1. Express your appreciation and keep things simple

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There are many ways you can express your gratitude to someone. However, a thanks is probably the simplest and easiest thing to do for anyone. Thank someone when they give praise to you is also a way you acknowledge that compliment and appreciate what they comment on you.

2. Pay attention to body language

Not only ordinary words but also your body language or facial expressions when communicating with others should also be noted. Because when you feel anxious or uncomfortable, your body can express with different states. Trying not to fold your arms or expressing disinterest when communicating by these signals will sometimes make the other person misunderstand that you are getting attention.

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Therefore, in conversations, pay more attention to body language, look at the opponent's eyes when talking, lean forward to be able to focus more on the story and use mold expressions. The sides to the sides are more comfortable and friendly.

3. Share but don't attach credit to others

Everyone of us, to achieve success, must rely on the help of others. You can share your achievements, but don't dismiss all of your efforts successfully for others.

What to say after expressing gratitude

This is probably what makes us feel most confused. After saying thank you, you don't know what to say or do next. The advice given here is to use a smile to finish your story in a humble and pleasant way.

Another way you should consider it is to acknowledge those compliments and use them to transition to another topic, taking the story further.

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For example, if you were congratulated for winning a prize for a contest or being recognized for your contribution on a project, you could say: 'Thank you very much! I really like the competition when working on this project . 'And then explain why you like that.

These are tips for you when you receive compliments from people around you. Please always pay attention to choose for yourself the appropriate answers in each situation.

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