What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans?

Animals in the wild also possess incredible intelligence. There are even some species that have the ability to self-aware and teach each other new lessons.


1. Great apes group

What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 1What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 1

The great apes group includes gorillas, orangutans, and chimpanzees. In particular, chimpanzees are said to be the most intelligent animals in nature, having 99% of the same DNA as humans. This intelligent animal develops tight social structures, is able to make tools, has self-perception, and expresses individuality.

Great apes in captivity and training can learn words, and human sign language, and can even identify objects in the environment.

2. Dolphins

What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 2What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 2


Dolphins possess brains similar in size to humans and are among the most intelligent animals in the world.

According to the researchers, dolphins have complex communication structures, can form social groups, use tools, and even teach each other new lessons.

3. Elephants

What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 3What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 3

Elephants possess an average of 251 billion neurons, three times more than humans. This diverse network of neural pathways gives elephants the ability to store long-term memory. They have excellent memories, especially navigation routes and places to eat and fresh water.

4. Crows

What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 4What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 4

Crows are the most intelligent birds in the world, as evidenced by their ability to overcome various challenges in a variety of habitats, such as rural and urban.


To receive rewards, the New Caledonian crows used to make complex tools to overcome the puzzle box challenge. This shows that crows have the ability to solve problems at a high level, which only humans and chimpanzees can achieve.

There have been many recorded cases, some species of crows use bread crumbs to fish. Or crows in Japan can recognize the color of traffic lights. When the light is red, they place hard-shelled particles under the wheels of vehicles, and use them to crush the particles.

5. Squirrel

What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 5What is the most intelligent animal on the planet besides humans? Picture 5

Squirrels are also one of the most intelligent animals in the animal world. Squirrels often store food on different nests to prevent one of their nests from being attacked, they do not lose all available food sources.

They even know how to create fake seeds from tree bark and rocks to deceive enemies and protect their food.

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