3 mysteries about the life of Qin Shihuang still have no solution

The life of Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China still contains a lot of mysteries that so far researchers have not been able to answer such as: body, appearance, reason for not being transparent. 37 years ...

The life of Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China still contains a lot of mysteries that so far researchers have not been able to answer such as: body, appearance, reason for not being transparent. 37 years .

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In 221 BC, Qin Shihuang unified the vassal states, establishing the country of China. He ruled until his death in 210 BC at the age of 49.

1. Who is the father of Qin Shihuang?

3 mysteries about the life of Qin Shihuang still have no solution Picture 13 mysteries about the life of Qin Shihuang still have no solution Picture 1

So far, no one has dared to assert the true identity of Qin Shihuang.

In nominal terms, Qin Shihuang was the son of Xiang Wang of Qin. But according to some historical documents, Qin Shihuang was the son of a wealthy, intelligent, and intriguing businessman named La Immortal, who later became a national general of Qin.

Many historians have speculated that, when he was a suicide worker, Trang Tuong Vuong used to be a hostage of Qin in the country of Zhao who was acquainted with the Immortal. Disappointed has offered Zhao Co - his pregnant concubine to Ziyi.

Later, Trieu Co gave birth to a son named Doanh Chinh (ie Tan Thuy Hoang), who gradually became the Qin emperor later.

2. Qin Shihuang's appearance

3 mysteries about the life of Qin Shihuang still have no solution Picture 23 mysteries about the life of Qin Shihuang still have no solution Picture 2

The image of this famous emperor of the Qin Dynasty has led researchers to argue and split into two different opinions.

One side said that Qin Shihuang is a handsome man, in his form. The emperor has big eyes, high nose, loud, clear voice, assertive spirit, straight gait and full of confidence. Because, the Xiang Wang of Qin and Zhao Co, Qin Shihuang's parents are people with a beautiful and handsome appearance, so naturally their children cannot be ugly.

Meanwhile, some researchers have said that Qin Shihuang has a modest height and has a deformed body, becoming ugly. Specifically, Qin Shihuang possesses a broken nose, convex eyeball and a hard-to-hear voice, chest protruding, even tracheal inflammation and rickets.

3. Why did Qin Shihuang not set up a queen for 37 years?

3 mysteries about the life of Qin Shihuang still have no solution Picture 33 mysteries about the life of Qin Shihuang still have no solution Picture 3

Qin Shihuang was the first and only Chinese emperor in the nation's history to not set up a queen.

A lot of theories are given to explain why Qin Shihuang did not set up a queen.

Some said that there were many frequency bands in Qin Shihuang's harem, but the emperor was not particularly fond of anyone, so he could not choose a harem master.

Another idea is that, in order not to encounter troubles and focus on official affairs, Qin Shihuang avoids female passion.

Another theory is that many people agree that Qin Shihuang did not choose anyone who liked it because the request was too high for someone to become a queen.

There is also a theory that Qin Shihuang did not think about setting up a queen due to her immersion in searching for immortality.

All are hypotheses and no one is sure what is the decisive factor.

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