7 harsh facts of life help you be stronger
Everyone in each of us has a good side - bad, good - evil, strong - weak, and it's hard to acknowledge the dark parts of ourselves. We do not want to acknowledge our weaknesses and constantly defend our mistakes. We often spend most of our time in life waiting: waiting for something to happen, waiting for something to end and waiting for something to start. But does " something " appear and why do we have to wait? Let's face the harsh truth of life and start doing the best for yourself so that you don't have to regret it later.
7 harsh facts of life help you be stronger Picture 1
To help people understand themselves as well as change some negative aspects that life brings, we have summarized 7 useful tips to help your spirit become stronger .
1. No one is so busy that you cannot reply to your message
Someone said that they were too busy to reply to your message or a potential employer said they did not have time to contact you. You probably guessed, people will only spend time for those they want to talk to. It's like you're texting, calling or texting to people you want to talk to.
If you do not hear from someone, it means they have intentionally not answered you. For those who treat you badly or ignore you, do not defend their actions and stay away from them as soon as possible, so you will have the opportunity to meet someone who really respects me
2. Everyone puts their own interests first
Whether they are lovely, kind and caring about others, they will still put their personal interests first. Even friends who think you love you the most, certainly are not naturally doing so. Even the best employers cannot realize that they accidentally delivered too many jobs until you speak up.
Most of the time, people often ask for more than what you have, without feeling any problems. So try to set your own limits and don't allow yourself to depend on others. A brave person will not hesitate to say " no " to refuse or be willing to speak up when necessary. They know that only they can help themselves and cannot expect anyone else to do it.
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3. There will be no way to please everyone
Even if you try to do everything that the people around you ask for, the results will make you feel crazy, waste time or be lost, disoriented only to follow their feelings.
The truth is that you will never please everyone. Of course, you can try but definitely can't succeed. There is always someone who does not support your choice or path. No matter what, there are people who are not satisfied and criticize what you do. So remember your right to decide and follow what you think is right. The only judge is yourself , do what makes you most comfortable .
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4. Life owes you nothing
You may be the coolest, smartest or the most interesting person in the world but if no one recognizes it, it doesn't make any sense.
You have two choices : the first is to use your whole life to regret what you deserve and then do nothing and second, choose to enter the harsh life to achieve what you want. . What are the choices that successful people usually make?
5. Don't excuse yourself
You can choose to use all the time to blame this world for being unfair or jealous of others because you don't have enough time, money, energy or talent to fulfill your dreams. Meanwhile, this reason sounds very reasonable but every person in the world has at least one reason to justify why not live the way they want. That is just an excuse to justify your failure.
Those who succeed in life will not justify. They find ways to overcome obstacles and face their own difficulties instead of being defeated by this grim world. This is why they are always successful in life.
7 harsh facts of life help you be stronger Picture 3
6. Action is what determines your life, not your thoughts
You can sit indoors all day to think about a better world for yourself, but until you start doing something, there are two very different categories. In fact, how much you dream about thinking can't change your current life. A good idea, unless it is done by action, otherwise it will always be a dream. Remember: we are often judged by action and not by revelation .
7. No one can save you from your life
In life, we are always waiting for something. Maybe waiting to meet the right person, waiting for the dream to come true or waiting for something to come back. When we are dissatisfied with our present life, we often hope for a miracle to happen, helping us to solve all problems.
But the truth is, life is not what we want. The problem cannot be solved with a magic wand. If you want to change your life, there is more than what you have, then implement your goals. The most powerful person always knows: When you have a hard time, don't wait for someone to help you but stand up and move forward - relying on your own strength .
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