7 hard facts to help you improve your life
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The truth always makes you feel uncomfortable, but someone needs to tell you this. Your life is created by yourself and the only person who can help you feel happy is you. If you are willing to take responsibility for yourself and want to improve your own life, immediately apply 7 difficult facts about this life !
1. Nobody fixes you, except you
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If you are waiting for a knight in shining iron armor to come into your life and heal your wounds, wait - and they probably won't.
The only person who can help you is yourself . Happiness can come when being with others but don't depend on them unless you want your emotions to be like a rollercoaster that is always out of control. Do you feel lonely? No, remove that thought immediately.
If no one fixes you, it's best to take responsibility for your own life. When you do that, you will discover that you are stronger than what you think you can do.
2. Life is never perfect
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If you are waiting for an ' appropriate ' time to do something - pursue your own career, open a company yourself, start your exercise plan, go on a date or move to live in a new city - you'll have to wait forever.
There is nothing called 'the right time' to do something . This reaction is based on your changing fear, simple and easy to understand. If you wait for " the perfect time to act " ( tell me, when did you experience such a thing?) , That means you never really act and confront fear. Do what you fear. Sure, you will feel very happy because I did it.
3. You may fail (a lot)
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If you try to reach your new ambitious goal, you may stumble while pursuing your goal. Think more realistic. This is when you need to change your thoughts about failure . It is not a big or bad problem that you need to be afraid of.
Failure is an opportunity to learn - nothing more . If successful people in the world also give up pursuing their goals after the first few failures when trying to do something new, about 0 people will succeed.
In life, there is no concept of " one hit always ". Do you want to know how many times I failed myself? More than 100 times. There is only one reason, that is, I want to do anything because I will definitely improve next time. If you fail something, take a day or two off, because concern does not make the problem disappear but will make it worse.
Read a good book, meet a few old friends or walk nature scenes. You will consider the problem with an optimistic viewpoint . After you've done that, ask yourself: ' Why doesn't your plan work and how to do it better next time?' This process can be repeated several times. The time depends on the nature of the goal, but if you are committed to improving yourself continuously, you will grow better and the only option remaining is success.
4. The past is gone
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Have you ever made a big mistake and wish you could go back to that time to redo it all? Everyone has been like that. That is called human! I know that you feel regretful about so many things but it is useless to torment yourself for what has passed . Turn your attention to the present, where you can control life and look forward to a better future.
5. There is no guarantee for tomorrow
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Steve Jobs was the one who said the most difficult truth about procrastination:
' Think that I'm going to die is the most important tool I've ever done to help myself have the best choice in life. Because almost everything - all expectations from the outside, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - will disappear when faced with death, leaving only the remaining really important '.
The next time you play " I'll do it tomorrow " game, remember that there's no guarantee for tomorrow. Traffic accidents, heart attacks and violent acts can occur at any time. Live in the present and act today , because that's where progress happens.
6. You're "busy" doesn't mean you're completing something
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If you show yourself how good you are when you can take on many tasks at once, stop right away. You are joking with yourself.Changing tasks without reason only wastes labor productivity, stress and can make you mistake . You may take a long time to complete two switching tasks rather than doing one by one.
If you want to save time, instead of doing many things at once, try to group the same tasks to do the same. For example, is there a series of emails that need to be sent? Do them once. You need to complete an essay? Do it before moving on to do anything else.Different things require different thinking, so focus on doing one thing at a time . " Busy " does not say that you are doing something useful ( which is probably not doing much good ).
7. You have more time than you think
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Get rid of the words " I don't have time ", because it's not true. Each week has 168 hours, invest time. It really is a relatively long amount of time. What can you do?According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,an average person will spend an average of 4.09 hours on entertainment every day.Most of the time, about 2.8 hours / day, is for TV.I don't know about you, but I don't think watching TV much can help me better.In addition, you can take the time to create works of art that add value to the world, read books to improve your life or exercise to help your body be better.
Next time, when saying " I don't have time ", change it to " It's not a priority ".No time to exercise?Healthy body is not a priority.No time to prepare a hearty dinner at home?Health is not a priority.Don't have time to do something good for your love?Your relationship is not a priority.
This may seem hard to hear, but it's true.How you spend your time choosing , spend that time wisely.
Please tell us
The truth lost heart . If you want to take responsibility for yourself and build a life you dream about, apply these 7 hard facts to improve your life today.
What are you thinking now: is it what I hope about the 7 difficult facts that will help you improve your life?Please comment your comments below!
Author: Daniel Wallen
See also: 10 harsh facts of life to help you grow more
Having fun!
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