7 Good ways to help relieve stuffy quickly, simply and effectively at home

Let TipsMake.com learn 7 good ways to help relieve stuffy quickly, simply at home to apply for yourself and your loved ones!

Stuffy nose, runny nose is an extremely common disease. Although it does not cause much harm to health, the disease makes people feel extremely uncomfortable. So how to cure stuffy nose fastest? Top 7 quick and simple ways to treat congestion at home that we share below will help you.

Causes of stuffy nose

Nasal congestion (stuffy nose) is a condition in which the nasal mucosa secretes more mucus than usual, causing the nasal cavity and nasal cavity to be blocked. Anyone can get a stuffy nose, not just one but many times throughout their lives.

There are many causes of a stuffy nose, the most common of which are:

  1. Infections caused by sinusitis.
  2. Flu, the common cold due to a viral infection.
  3. Have a weather allergy
  4. Hormonal changes in the body (for example, during pregnancy) cause an increase in nasal secretions.
  5. Taking certain foods or medicines causes certain reactions (such as birth control pills).
  6. Patients work in arid environments, sit more conditioned, .

See also : It turns out that this is the reason why only one side of the nose suffocates during flu

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Stuffy nose brings discomfort and annoyance

Quick and simple ways to get rid of a stuffy nose at home

Stuffy nose is often very uncomfortable and annoying. In such cases, what people are most concerned about is how to get rid of a stuffy nose immediately. The top 7 quick stuffy remedies that we bring right here may not work immediately, but it will help a lot for your condition:

Quickly relieve congestion with tongue pushing and acupressure massage

  1. Step 1 : Push the tongue to touch the upper teeth for 1 second and then put it down.
  2. Step 2: As soon as the tongue has dropped, immediately press the index finger and middle finger gently, day on the area between the eyebrows (pressure point sugar).

Repeat the above steps continuously for 20 seconds. This method, although simple, can help the nasal passages clear, the fluid in the nose flows better, thereby providing a quick cure for congestion.

A quick way to cure a stuffy nose is by holding your breath

How to get rid of stuffy nose immediately? Holding your breath is a great way to treat congestion immediately. When we hold our breath, our body will start a defense mechanism. The brain mistakenly thinks that we are in danger because of lack of air, so we will order the opening of the nasal cavity, making it easier to breathe.

  1. First, take a deep breath, tilt your head back and use your hands to squeeze your nose to hold your breath.
  2. Hold your posture and keep holding your breath until you can't stand it. In this way, stuffy nose can disappear immediately.

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Treatment of nasal congestion by the method of holding your breath

Massaging the nose area helps treat stuffy nose effectively

This way is quite simple. When you have a stuffy nose, just use your index finger or middle finger to move gently in a circle in the nose area. Doing this massage for 1-2 minutes will help you breathe easier.

Eat hot spicy spices

Hot spicy dishes like chili, pepper, mustard, etc. are great for the relief and relief of nasal congestion. When eating these, the mucus in the nasal cavity will increase the speed of movement, thereby reducing the stuffiness quickly.

How to treat a stuffy nose quickly with a warm towel and a nasal aspirator and a nasal suction bottle

  1. Step 1 : Take a piece of cloth or clean towel into the basin of warm water and squeeze dry. Note: Do not use water that is too hot because applying it can burn your skin.
  2. Step 2 : Apply a warm towel to your nose. Warm temperatures will make mucus in the nose looser.
  3. Step 3 : Use a nasal aspirator / nasal aspirator to drain mucus. This can be considered as one of the quickest, simplest and most effective nasal congestion at home.

See also : Should nasal aspirators be used for babies and young children?

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Applying a warm compress to the nose helps treat a stuffy nose

Use nasopharyngeal nebulizer

If prolonged or stuffy nose is a symptom of respiratory diseases such as allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, acute / chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, etc., you may be prescribed medicine. . In that case, combining medication and aerosol therapy will promote the therapeutic effect. Nasal nebulizer is also called a nebulizer, a nebulizer and a nasal spray. This device is capable of transforming drugs into gaseous particles, fine mist and then pushing them deep into the bronchi, alveoli thanks to the injection pressure of the engine. Not only has the effect of bringing the drug to the right position, increasing the effectiveness of treatment, nasopharyngeal nebulizer also helps minimize the side effects of the drug on the body.

See also : Frequently asked questions about nasopharyngeal nebulizers

How to treat stuffy nose at home with allergic rhinitis treatment machine

Allergic rhinitis is a common disease with many symptoms, including stuffy nose. Besides taking medication, patients can also treat nasal congestion due to allergic rhinitis with the type of allergic rhinitis machine. This is a device that works on the principle of light to prevent the release of histamine, losing or completely eliminating the allergic reaction. Treatment of allergic rhinitis is highly appreciated by both experts and patients with the following advantages:

  1. Compact size, easy to use and store.
  2. Can repel symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, . quickly.
  3. Safe for use, including children and pregnant women.

See also : How to effectively treat allergic rhinitis at home

Hopefully the top 7 quick ways to treat congestion that we share will help you and your loved ones. Visit TipsMake.com regularly to get more useful information about your health!

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