6 famous inventions but made scientists regret for life
Most inventions are created for humanity purposes. The inventors hope their "brainchilds" are useful to humankind, but they cannot imagine that they are used to harm people themselves, causing them to regret their whole lives.
Here are 6 inventions and inventions that make humankind pay a hefty price, even by human life itself.
1. Explosives
Alfred Nobel , the founder of the Nobel Prize, is the inventor of this kind of weapon capable of tremendous damage. But the irony is that his original purpose in creating explosives was to prevent war.
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Alfred Nobel believed that if he could create an effective weapon, he could stop the war and promote peace in the world. But his invention was used as a weapon to push up wars and one of the weapons that caused the most deaths for mankind.
At that time, he was called to call with names like "death merchant" and "death merchant". Shocked and distressed, Alfred Nobel decided to leave his entire fortune to be an annual award for those who made practical contributions to mankind in the previous year.
2. Nuclear fission
Albert Einstein did not consider himself the father of the invention of the atomic bomb. His famous formula E = mc² explains how energy is released in the atomic bomb, not instructing how to build a bomb.
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But it was he who wrote the letter to the US president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, announcing progress in nuclear research and urging the development of a powerful bomb that helped the United States win the war. armed race.
Projected Manhattan production of atomic bombs has been formed. Two bombs dropped on Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities produced in this project.
Albert Einstein, a peace activist who lamented sending that letter was a great remorse in his life.
3. Pepper spray
Perhaps we all know about pepper spray used by police or the military to quell demonstrations. We and even the inventor of it, Kamran Loghman , think that this is a humanitarian, non-lethal weapon.
But no, this weapon is also used against peaceful protesters and is considered to be a tool of their rights.
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Kamran Loghman himself was also very sad when the government used such invention.
4. AK-47 rifle
According to statistics, 100 million AK-47 rifles are being used worldwide. This is the most used weapon, and deals the most damage.
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Mikhail Kalashnikov , who designed the gun, received criticism from public opinion. But he did not acknowledge the responsibility of his invention "killing" too many people. According to him, the government must control production and trade in weapons.
5. Ecstasy and sublimation
The ecstasy made by Alexander Shulgin in 1970. He used himself to test this drug. At that time, ecstasy was used as a medicine to treat psychological diseases.
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After that, the use of ecstasy was beyond the clinic, spreading to society. People began to abuse ecstasy at parties, in clubs to "swing" through the night, even though it was creeping into schools.
Ecstasy has been banned in many countries and drug quality control is no longer available. Currently, ecstasy is produced illegally and is much more dangerous than the drug Shulgin originally created. It became one of the most popular drug-free drugs, the same class as cocaine and heroin. and marijuana.
6. Labradoodle dog breed
Wally Conron created the Labradoodle breed when he worked for the Australian Royal Guide Dog Association based on the request of a seasonal woman. She needs a guide dog but her husband is allergic to pets.
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Hoping to solve that blind woman's problem, Wally Conron has worked for many years to create Labradoodle that is suitable for people with allergies: less dead skin cells, less hair loss.
This breed quickly became popular and loved the demand for them to skyrocket. People have taken advantage of the hybrid advantage to create more types of dogs to meet user preferences and requirements without considering the breed match. Consequently, many unhealthy breeds are born.
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