11 things filmmakers have fooled viewers

On the screen there are scenes that take place in stark contrast to reality. Filmmakers create them to add effects to the film only.

On the screen there are scenes that take place in stark contrast to reality. Filmmakers create them to add effects to the film only.

1. Racing cars "weigh" all terrain

In action movies, we see that racing cars can run on any terrain, cross mountains, cross rivers, even soar into the air then land and still run normally.

In fact, in order for a race car to run on ordinary streets, the road must ensure that there are no manhole covers, or the manhole covers must be firmly welded to the road surface to avoid damaging the lower part when the vehicle passes.

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And no car can fly for a while and land intact.

2. "You have the right to make a phone call"

In the film, when the police arrest the suspect often say that 'you have the right to remain silent, call a lawyer because every word from now on can be used as evidence in court'.

In fact, the law of making a phone call when arrested by the police is valid only in the United States, not in other countries.

3. Jump into the trash bin unharmed

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In many movies, to escape the main character must jump from above to the trash and not bleeding or injured.

In fact, jumping from above to anywhere is dangerous, even if it's the water surface. Not to mention in the trash there are countless things like broken glass bottles, hard objects .

4. Defeat an opponent's "knock-out" with just one punch

In martial arts films, the protagonist simply swings a fist to render the opponent unconscious.

In fact, with a punch even of a trained athlete, the victim is only stunned for a few seconds, unable to continue the game, not lying flat, unconscious as in the movie.

5. Always choose the middle when sitting in the back seat

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When in a car, people in the back seat often choose to sit on the edge of the seat near the window. This is in fact also in the film if sitting like that, the character behind will be obscured by the character in the front seat, causing discomfort to the viewers. Therefore, in order to frame properly, the character in the film chose to sit in the middle seat in the back seat.

6. Hold onto the side of the house with your fingers

Our fingers cannot bear the weight of the whole body. If we cling to the side of the house with our fingers, we will fall before we know what is going on. However, in the movie, the main character sometimes holds one hand and holds the female lead while still climbing up.

7. Light of the astronaut suits

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In space science fiction movies, astronaut's clothes are always bright to help viewers see the character inside. In fact, any light close to the face would distract the astronauts.

8. Easily grab the neck and lift an adult

The character in the film only needs a handle on the neck to lift an adult up not easily. But in real life, this is unthinkable because the weight of an adult is so heavy that if it is possible to do it, then the weight of the body below the lifted person will also break the neck immediately.

9. There is no danger of holding a finger at the trigger

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If you are not going to shoot, your finger must not touch the trigger. Only touch the trigger when you intend to shoot. This is one of the first important principles when using a gun. Yet in the movie, any character holding a gun would finger the trigger.

10. Vision from binoculars

Vision in binoculars doesn't have the field of view in the form of an oval like in a movie. People do it just to make it look good.

11. Ninja always wear black

A real-life ninja will always choose the most normal color costumes. This makes it easy for them to blend in and hide in the crowd. Black is only picked when they are on a night duty.

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