10 popular dishes become expensive by gold inlaid

These dishes are not only made from high-quality ingredients, but also decorated with sparkling gold.
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Today, gold not only stops to make expensive jewelry, but it is also used in decorating dishes, helping to enhance the value of that dish many times compared to the real value. its. These gold inlaid dishes are mostly used to serve rich people to enjoy and help them show their class through food.

Here are 10 extremely famous gold-plated dishes that one of us dreams of once enjoying.

1. Smoked bacon with 23 Karat gold

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This is a very famous dish of Baconery bakery from New York, USA. After being baked, bacon will be wrapped with a layer of Belgian chocolate and 23 Karat gold is an indispensable item to enhance the value of food and decoration. The price for each piece of meat is 40 USD (about 900,000 VND) for a breakfast.

2. Macaron wrapped in gold

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In 2009 to make a difference for the Macaron, a Parisian pastry shop shook hands with Marni fashion house to launch these delicious-beautiful-strange cakes. This cake is not only delicious but it is also very beautiful because the outer layer of cake is decorated with thin pieces of gold. To get 1 box of 16 cakes, you have to spend 100 USD (2.2 million VND equivalent).

3. Spaghetti Lasagna decorated with 23 Karat gold

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This unique dish is available at the menu of Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas city, USA. Besides the special ingredients for noodles, it is impossible to mention the 23 Karat gold leaves and the rare and precious white diamond mushrooms that make up the value of this dish. To be able to enjoy this luxurious dish, you need to spend 500 USD (about 11 million VND).

4. Burger with gold

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With $ 666 what would you do? In New York City, USA, you can buy a $ 666 gold burger. This cake is made by a mobile food store and this golden cake is called Douche Burger. This cake will include expensive Kobe beef, imported Gruyere cheese, caviar, foie gras, lobster and special salt taken from the Himalayan mountain. Skimming about the cake has found special but to deserve a price of 15 million, of course the gold leaf is indispensable.

At first, the store made a golden cake to advertise regular cakes for $ 6.66. However, in fact, the shop owner also sold a few of them that had gold powder.

5. Baked round cakes cost more than 20 million VND

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The baked round cake seems to be a popular dish for us, but in 2007 a Westin hotel chef, New York, brought the value of the round cake to a new level in world cuisine. This round cake is prepared by chefs from extremely expensive ingredients such as white mushroom cream cheese, Riesling jelly and thin leaf gold. This dish is not available, you have to order it 24 hours in advance.

6. Golden tea buds

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Have you ever enjoyed golden tea? This is one of the premium teas developed by a Singapore company. These tea buds are not like normal tea leaves, because they are painted on 24 karat gold layers by skilled workers and cost $ 3,000 for 100 grams of tea.

7. The most expensive chocolate dessert in the world

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Frrrozen Haute Chocolate is a dish recognized by Guinness Book of Records as the world's most expensive dessert. This dish comes from New York Serendipity 3 restaurant. Known to create this dish, the chefs have used ingredients from 28 most expensive cocoa beans in the world and 3 layers of 23 Karat gold coated from the inside out. Not only is the Frrrozen Haute Chocolate coated with gold but the spoon to eat is also made of gold to balance each other in value. The reason is called the world's most expensive dessert because the price for a cup of chocolate is 25,000 USD (about 568 million VND).

8. Susi wrapped gold instead of seaweed

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Speaking of susi, we know right away that this is a familiar dish from Japanese cuisine. Like the dessert chocola, this dish is also included in the Guinness record, prepared by Filipino chef Angelito Araneta and became a famous dish about the world's most luxurious. In this dish, instead of wrapping with sea leaves and regular ingredients, he used Norwegian salmon, foie gras, saffron pistil to make each piece of sushi cost up to 1,800 USD. Of course, that price included pearls and diamonds placed above and thinly wrapped pure gold leaves instead of seaweed.

9. Cupcake cake is covered with 24 Karat gold leaf

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During the World Cupcake Week, an extraordinarily gorgeous 24 Karat Cupcake Gold cake was presented to the guests. A special feature of this cake is made of peach jam, chocolate, butter made from Chateau Yquem, . The price of this cake falls in about 1300 USD (about 29.5 million VND).

10. Pizza is covered with 24 Karat gold

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A normal pizza costs about 300 thousand dong, but to have this gold-plated pizza you have to spend over 45 million dong. At this price, you will receive a cake made from the famous Stilton cheese, foie gras, truffles, Ossetra caviar . and of course indispensable sparkling 24 Karat gold leaves due to the Chef of Industry Kitchen in New York.

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