Secretly reveal the nicknames of major cities in the world

Some big and famous cities in the world have strange nicknames such as the city of the wind, the big apple, the lush city .... What's behind each of those nicknames is mysterious? Let's explore that interesting mystery through the article below.

Some big and famous cities in the world have strange nicknames such as the city of the wind, the big apple, the lush city . What's behind each of those nicknames is mysterious? Let's explore that interesting mystery through the article below.

1. Chicago - "The city of the wind"

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Certainly when you hear this nickname, you will think that this city has a tremendous wind speed or something that has to do with the weather. But the reality is not, the average wind speed in Chicago is only 10.3m / h.

In 1876, the city of Cincinnati (Ohio) called Chicago's " full of wind" politicians - meaning self-centered, self-gazing guys! And the nickname is attached to the city of Chicago to this day. A reason why you fall back because of surprise?

2. New York City - "Big Apple"

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The nickname " Big Apple" is not related to the cultivation of fruits in this state, although this is the second largest apple growing place in the United States.

In fact, this nickname relates to horse racing . Some people who look at the New Orleans stables often say calling New York a big apple because it has some of America's top horse races. A reporter from the city heard and started using this name in his articles.

3. New Orleans - "The city is lame"

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The flamboyant city is the name of a novel by James Conaway, published in 1970. The phrase was later used by a local New Orleans newspaper to portray the "lingering" way of life. people here.

4. Philadelphia - "City of brotherhood"

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Philadelphia was pinned from two Greek words, phileo - love and adelphos - brotherhood to express the desire for peace and solidarity of the immigrants and aboriginal people here.

5. Singapore - "Lion City"

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The founder of Singapore saw a tiger when he reclaimed the area, but he told everyone that he saw a lion. And the name Singapore was born, derived from the word Singapura in Malay, which literally means lion city.

6. Boston - "Pea town"

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Before the eighteenth century, in Boston, baked beans cooked with molasses were so popular that the main ingredient of the dish was always named by the villagers for this place.

7. Paris - "The capital of light"

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During the Enlightenment period in the XVIII century, Paris was the center of Europe. In addition, Paris is the first city in Europe to use electric lights to illuminate roads. If you have the opportunity to admire the city of Paris at night from above, you will be overwhelmed by the glow of millions of golden lights.

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