You can solve Microsoft's tough golden division puzzle
The puzzle is as follows:
The billionaire died, leaving all his possessions to his five sons, five daughters and his manager. He also made clear how to divide the property in the will.
First, the manager received a gold coin. One fifth of the remaining gold belongs to the son.
The manager continued to receive an additional gold coin. One fifth of the remaining gold is given to the second son. The same way of dividing is applied to 3rd, 4th and 5th sons.
After the 5th son received his gold, the remaining assets were divided equally for 5 daughters.
With this division, the assets left by the billionaire are all divided, not surplus.
So, how many gold coins does the billionaire have?
According to reader Nguyen Trung Thanh, give the following answer:
Let x be the number of gold divided by the girls, so the problem word will have the total number of gold is V = ((((x * 5) * 5/4 +1) * 5/4 + 1) * 5 / 4 + 1) * 5/4 + 1) * 5/4 + 1.
All numbers here must be positive => x must be divisible by 4 => Set x = 4a V = (((25a +1) * 5/4 + 1) * 5/4 + 1) * 5 / 4 + 1) * 5/4 + 1 a must be divided by 4 remainder 3 => Set a = 4b + 3 V = (((125b + 96) * 5/4 + 1) * 5/4 + 1) * 5/4 + 1 => Set b = 4c V = (((625c + 121) * 5/4 + 1) * 5/4 + 1 => Set c = 4d + 3 V = (((3125d + 2496) * 5/4 + 1 => Set d = 4e V = 3125 * em * 5 + 3121 => V minimum when I = 0 => The smallest amount of gold to divide is 3121 gold coins.
Recalculating will have:
The eldest son (3121 - 1) / 5 = 624, the remaining 2496 VND The 2nd Son (2496 - 1) / 5 = 499, the remaining 1996 VND.
The third child (1996 - 1) / 5 = 399, the remaining 1596 VND.
Fourth child (1596 - 1) / 5 = 319, remaining 1276 VND.
The fifth child is (1276 - 1) / 5 = 255, the remaining 1020 VND.
Each daughter gets 1020/5 = 204 VND.
Management of 5 dong => Other billionaires are divided, spread equally, each male and female is guilty. Uncle devotedly managed for his whole life, he had 5 dongs.
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