6 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved

Join us in the 6 thorny detective puzzles that show people who are extremely intelligent to solve this!
  1. If you find a different point in the 10 photos below, prove you are very eye-catching and smart!
  2. Choose the most stupid friend in the picture!
  3. 13 puzzles seem simple but can you answer in 10 seconds?

The reasoning method is not only useful for detectives, but also for everyone. It can help us make the right decisions and develop observation skills as well as systematic thinking. Here are 6 tough detective puzzles that only extremely intelligent people can solve . Let us check your sharp thinking!

1. Prison break

6 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 16 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 1

There are 3 prisoners who are planning to escape. To get out, they had to climb onto each other's shoulders, but the tallest prisoner was still a few centimeters away from the window. So what should they do to escape?

2. Shooting

6 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 26 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 2

Look at the picture and guess which bullet hole was first created?

3. The neighbor often steals

6 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 36 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 3

About an hour and thirty minutes ago, one of the neighbors stole items but they all claimed that they were at the same time. So follow you, who is lying?

4. The burglar at the cafe

6 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 46 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 4

10 minutes ago, someone stole money from a cafe. Everyone claimed that there was no one in the bar for 10 minutes, but it was obvious that one of them was a thief. Who do you think it is?

5. When does the bomb explode?

6 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 56 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 5

6. Who is the weirdest person?

6 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 66 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 6

Determine who the criminal is hidden among the guests of the costume party.

#Bonus - Puzzle about the lake

6 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 76 tough puzzle riddles refer to extremely intelligent people that can be solved Picture 7

According to you, will the lake be full first?


1. The highest prisoner should be the one who climbs to the top because he has the longest arm and will definitely reach the window.

2. The second hole, because the holes from hole 1 and hole 3 stop at cracks from hole 2, show that this is where the bullet is inserted and create the first crack.

3. The person lives in the house on the left. Because the ground under the purple and green car is dry, there is a large puddle under the red car. This means that the red car owner has just arrived home and parked on the puddle.

4. The thief is the man who holds the ice cream because if he bought that ice cream more than 10 minutes ago, it would have melted.

5. No alarm time, because the wire from the bomb does not connect to the timer.

6. The offender is a man standing on the right. If you pay close attention you will see that he is the only one who is not prepared for the party and has worn anything on him.

#Bonus: Lakes 3 and 4 will be full first.

See also: Only the genius finds all the differences in these 16 photos!

Having fun!

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