What to do for 1.5TB RAM on Apple's most advanced Mac Pro?

The most advanced Mac Pro version has up to 1.5TB of RAM. The capacity is too large to make many people wonder, what is the amount of RAM used when 10 Chrome tabs only occupy 1GB of RAM?

At this year's WWDC event, Apple introduced the 2019 Mac Pro with a new, more robust configuration, starting price of $ 5,999. The most outstanding feature of this product is the most advanced Mac Pro version with up to 1.5TB of RAM. The capacity is too large to make many people wonder, what is the amount of RAM used when 10 Chrome tabs only occupy 1GB of RAM?

Of course not to open 1000 tabs on Chrome or to run Crysis and below is the answer for you.

Video editing, 3D rendering

What to do for 1.5TB RAM on Apple's most advanced Mac Pro? Picture 1What to do for 1.5TB RAM on Apple's most advanced Mac Pro? Picture 1

For those who specialize in video editing, 3D rendering, large render power is extremely necessary. Mac Pro with 1.5TB RAM will meet their working needs.

For example, to be able to edit video at 8K resolution on Adobe Premiere Pro requires at least 256GB of RAM. If you run more Photoshop, this photo editing application will cost a few dozen more GB of RAM. During work, most people run several programs at a time. Therefore, it is possible to use up to 1.5TB of RAM in a studio environment.

Build a business report

What to do for 1.5TB RAM on Apple's most advanced Mac Pro? Picture 2What to do for 1.5TB RAM on Apple's most advanced Mac Pro? Picture 2

Each company can have a lot of different data sources from thousands of employees, dozens of branches, hundreds of partners . As a result, the company's reports must also be done by region, each Each warehouse, with such large data, mechanical hard drive or even SSD can not meet the storage and calculation. And RAM is the only lifeline in this case.

In fact, companies often perform these tasks on servers in the data center or in the cloud. Mac Pro with 1.5TB RAM of Mac Pro for server purposes is also a good idea.

Run research model

What to do for 1.5TB RAM on Apple's most advanced Mac Pro? Picture 3What to do for 1.5TB RAM on Apple's most advanced Mac Pro? Picture 3

Scientific researchers will not be unfamiliar with computers with terabyte of RAM

To study weather, geology, quantum physics or any other field of science, researchers need to use a huge amount of data, maybe even reaching a few thousand TB mark. These research data cannot be processed from hard drives or SSDs but must be placed directly on RAM to speed up the results.

A terrible RAM machine will be very useful in this case.

Run a series of virtual machines / app servers at the same time

What to do for 1.5TB RAM on Apple's most advanced Mac Pro? Picture 4What to do for 1.5TB RAM on Apple's most advanced Mac Pro? Picture 4

Owning a 1.5TB RAM computer is the dream of any coder because they can install a multitude of virtual machines (each virtual machine serves a different purpose) or simply install the server software itself. and run directly with code editing software like Visual Studio or Eclipse.

In fact, many coder even Google all like Apple's Mac and MacBook systems. Google has used a Mac to implement instructions for programming Android apps on Android Studio. With the new Mac Pro 1.5TB, Google programmers can both simulate 120 Galaxy S10 Plus (12GB), run 100 Chrome tabs and run Android Studio at the same time.

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