What is antibiotic resistance? Why is it dangerous?

There are millions of people who die each year in an era without antibiotics, and then will be a similar number in the coming years.

Today, around the world people are very concerned about the continuous increase in drug phenomenon for many types of bacteria. Many antibiotics have been considered as saviors of how many are sick, nowadays it has proved to be no longer effective for treatment. The antibiotic treasure is becoming more and more limited and scarce. The phenomenon of antibiotic resistance has begun .

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  2. The golden age of antibiotics is over, the immediate future will be a nightmare for humans
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What are antibiotics?

These are natural substances cultured from microorganisms, either synthesized or semi-chemically synthesized. They are capable of destroying or slowing the growth and expansion of pathogenic microorganisms. These can be antibiotics (antibiotique), sulfa (sulfamide), antiviraux, antifongiques, desinfectants, and antiseptics (antiseptiques). .

What is the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance?

Antibiotic resistance occurs when pathogens or bacteria are not killed by antibiotics, they still exist, reproducing generations of offspring without sensible senses with one or more resistant drugs. birth

Why can greasy phenomenon occur?

What is antibiotic resistance? Why is it dangerous? Picture 1What is antibiotic resistance? Why is it dangerous? Picture 1

There are many reasons, such as using antibiotics in an indiscriminate, improper way, disrespecting the dose and duration of treatment and refusing to take all the medicine as prescribed by the doctor. In addition, the misuse of antibiotics in animal husbandry, agriculture and fisheries also contributed significantly to the formation of antibiotic resistance in humans. Finally, the problem of using disinfectants (nettoyant antibactérien) to clean too often and improperly can also help to produce strains of resistant bacteria. Medical, dental, pharmacist, veterinarian and patients are all responsible for antibiotic resistance.

How does resistance develop?

Bacteria receive drug resistance from many lanes. From other bacteria, this property is available, or natural mutation. Is this a natural phenomenon to protect an organism's survival? The resistance is attached to the microbe of the bacterium, or it may also be in the chromosome dependent units, called plasmides. These are extremely small and portable DNA rings. When bacteria die, these plasmides will be released into the environment, and then infect other bacteria. As for viruses, when reproduced (called replication), they need to enter the bacteria to extract plasmides and transfer them to other bacteria.

Why are bacteria resistant to drugs?

Drug resistance may occur according to one of the following mechanisms.

  1. Change site d'action of the drug on bacteria. For example, altering proteins on bacteria that Pénicilline will bind to. (Penicilline vs Streptococcus pneumoniae).
  2. Disable the drug with beta lactamase enzyme. (Penicilline vs Staphilococcus aureus).
  3. Reducing the permeability of bacterial cell membranes, the drug does not work. (Gentamycine vs Pseudomonas aeroginosa).

Some bacteria are resistant to drugs in Canada

  1. Methicilline-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
  2. Vancomycine-resistant Enterococcus
  3. Klebsiella pneumoniae / beta lactamase à spectre étendu (BLSE) résistants.
  4. Eschericia coli / BLSE résistants.
  5. Salmonella
  6. Shigella
  7. Fluoroquinolone Gonocoques.
  8. Streptococcus pneumoniae résistant à la Penicilline (SPRP)
  9. Tuberculose résistante à l'Isoniaside et à la Rifambine.

The transfer of drug resistance: An ominous phenomenon. (tranfert de résistance)

There is evidence that the drug-resistant bacteria can cross the category barrier (barrière d'espèce) to spread this to the bacteria of another species, for example the original bacteria in the animal of the subject resistance to the original bacteria in humans. In addition, it is necessary to add that most of the antibiotics in veterinary medicine have the same chemical structure as those of human medicine. For this reason, so when a bacterium is resistant to a veterinary drug, it can also be resistant to drugs in the same group.

Antibiotics look from the medical side

In 1954, the United States produced only 2 million pounds of antibiotics. Today production has skyrocketed to over 50 million pounds / year. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the United States said that it could be said that over 50% of antibiotic prescriptions prescribed by patients were unnecessary and unreliable because they were prescribed to treat diseases. virus-like cough cough flu It is known that antibiotics are only effective for treating bacterial infections. The Canadian Health Authority also made such a statement. Today, a large number of bacteria are no longer susceptible to the old antibiotics used so far.

Streptococcus pneumoniae, the agent of pneumonia and meningitis, has no longer been sensitive to penicilline and some other drugs. Vancomycine is a special antibiotic for Staphylococcus aureus, now it is no longer effective. Bacteria such as Enterococcus faecalis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa are all resistant to many antibiotics. Death of pulmonary tuberculosis has previously been reduced in Western countries, which now tend to increase again. The World Health Organization (OMS) said that Asian and African gonorrhea strains today are found all over the world. Postoperative infections in Canadian hospitals are a serious problem, in which Staphylococcus aureus infection is one of the most common bacteria. Recently, Clostridium difficile, the bacteria that causes intestinal inflammation in hospitals, has also increased.

Antibiotics look from the veterinary side

Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat livestock diseases, but most of 90% of drugs are used as growth stimulants (growth promotion) in livestock and fisheries. Antibiotics are mixed into mixed food with very low concentrations (sous thérapeutique) to help animals grow fast and gain weight quickly. This technique of salmon farming in coastal Vancouver, Canada also applies this method. The overuse of antibiotics over the past few decades has resulted in many strains of resistant bacteria. Salmonella is resistant at the same time as Ampicilline, Chloramphenicol, Streptomycine, and Tetracycline. In the late 1990s, the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium DT 104 in the United Kingdom raged heavily in livestock. Some time later, these bacteria were detected in humans and the most harmful was that they were resistant to many drugs including Trimethoprim sulfa and Fluoroquinolone. In 1985, in California, over 1,000 people fell ill from eating hamburgers with many resistant Salmonella newport infections . Today the common intestinal bacteria like Entérobacter, Campylobacter, and E.coli 0157 : H7 (Hamburger disease) is also resistant to many antibiotics.

Is eating meat containing harmful antibiotic residues?

This question is often raised. In theory we should avoid using meat containing residues (résidu) antibiotics. The reality is difficult to implement, except in the case of raising animals for meat. Meat with antibiotic residues can be harmful to health like:

  1. Allergic. For example, Penicilline changes to Pénicilline acide as an allergène, but rarely happens.
  2. Create strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria later on.
  3. Several animal antibiotics are suspected to cause cancer (carcinogene). Carbadox antibiotics (Mecadox) are often used to treat diarrhea in piglets and also help them not lose weight during odd periods. The drug has been shown to cause cancer in rats in the laboratory, so in order to prevent this risk in people using pork, the Carbadox withdrawal time before sending pigs to lower the meat must be over 42 days for the meat to no longer contain residues. . Some countries like Britain and Australia have banned use. The Canadian Ministry of Health recently issued a decision to ban the sale of Carbadox.

Is all bacteria harmful?

Actually, not all bacteria are harmful. There are gentle bacteria in our gut and skin. Only bad bacteria can make us sick. Science calls them pathogènes. When we use biocides to clean, all good bacteria and bad bacteria that live on our skin are destroyed. If you only use savon often to wash, good bacteria won't hurt but otherwise bad bacteria will easily be eliminated. So it is best to use savon normally and avoid the use of germicidal savon (savon antibactérien). This is one of many ways to partially prevent the emergence of resistant bacteria.

Who uses less antibiotics to avoid fear of greasy phenomenon?

The problem here is not a drug-resistant patient, but it is the bacteria that are actually the subject of drug resistance. The bacteria are resistant to a certain drug when it is not strong enough to kill it. Bacteria that are resistant to drug resistance can infect the environment, into water sources as well as at any other food or beverage. Meat problems containing antibiotic residues are also the cause of resistant strains of bacteria. The Canadian Veterinary Law clearly stipulates the time required to stop période de retrait, withdrawal period by antibiotics before sending them to the factory to lower the meat. This time is long or short depending on the medicine used. Test test (Cast test, Stop test, DSSP) the presence of antibiotic in meat is often done regularly at slaughterhouse.

The only method to relieve symptoms of sore throat and long-term cough attacks is to take antibiotics?

In fact, most cases of flu are caused by viruses, so taking antibiotics is not effective. Doctors can diagnose pathogens, viral or Streptococcus by testing and culture (culture). Coughs lasting for 2-3 weeks are usually caused by viruses (for example, viral bronchite virale). Your doctor may order X-rays and prescribe antibiotics if needed. Only a doctor has professional authority to allow or not to take antibiotics.

Vegetarians who do not eat meat do not have to worry about drug resistance?

This is wrong. The types of pathogenic bacteria that are available for resistance may already be present in fruit and vegetables. Animal manure is the main source of infection.

If cooked meat really means that I will eliminate all resistant bacteria?

Not quite true. Cooking is not synonymous with sterilization (stérilisation). Some surviving bacteria can still harm us as usual. Besides bacteria, meat can also contain antibiotic residues.

Prescription clearly states 4 antibiotics per day, but we only need to take 2 capsules?

Do not do so. Need to respect the dose and duration of therapy. The distance between oral doses intended to ensure blood is always required to have a required concentration of medication. Failure to respect the dose will result in ineffective treatment and may lead to drug-resistant bacteria later . The patient needs to drink it properly, in the right dose, continuously until it is gone. This is the most important thing to protect health not only for myself, but also for family members and for domestic animals.

Residual antibiotics in jars can be saved for reuse later, or for others?

Should not. It is important to take medicines as prescribed before they can be cured. If you do not run out of medicine, some bacteria may still survive and become resistant later. Each person's condition is different. Each antibiotic has a special indication for treating one or more types of bacteria. It is not right to bring your extra medicine to others. Excess drugs, older drugs should not be disposed of in trash bins, nor put into toilette because they can contaminate water sources and may cause drug resistance in some bacteria living in the lips. school The best way is to take the old medicine to the pharmacies to get them to safely cancel it.

We should not fear antibiotic resistance because there are so many drugs on the market?

This is not entirely true. These types of pathogenic bacteria are not only resistant to one antibiotic, but they can also be resistant to many different types of drugs at the same time. The number of antibiotics in therapeutic treasures will become scarce and more expensive.


Antibiotic resistance is a common threat of humanity. We cannot solve this problem locally, but we must find a solution for the whole world. Everyone acknowledges that measures such as educating people, enforcing strict rules to control the use and circulation of antibiotics, hospitalization of hospitals, and the opening of barns should be taken. farm, improve breeding techniques to minimize the use of antibiotics in disease prevention. But all these things are just illusions without a really strong political commitment. It's not that simple .

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