An interesting source of names for big technology companies

The following article will explain to you the meaning and origin of the names of big technology companies including hardware and software. Certainly, many people will stop laughing because of the unexpected source of these names.

The following article will explain to you the meaning and origin of the names of big technology companies including hardware and software. Certainly, many people will stop laughing because of the unexpected source of these names.

1. Adobe

After John Warnock, the founder of the well-known Adobe software company, there is a river running through Adobe Creek. And he took the name of this river to give to his software company.

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2. Alphabet (Google)

In 2015, Google restructured the company with the formation of a parent company called Alphabet (alphabet).

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As explained by Larry Page, the co-founder and CEO of Google today, the name Alphabet is chosen because it is a collection of letters representing the language. This is one of the biggest inventions of mankind and Google relies on this to create a Google search search index.

3. Amazon

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Amazon's founder wanted to give his company a strange and different name. Therefore, he chose the name Amazon, the name of the largest river in the world in the hope that his company will grow so big.

4. Apple

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Three months late to file a name for the business, Steve Jobs threatened his colleagues that he would call the company Apple Computers (his favorite apple fruit) if they couldn't think of anything. Good and unique name before 5 o'clock. And as we see, his wish came true.

5. Dell

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In 1987, Michael Dell, founder and CEO of Dell changed the name of the company from PCs Limited to Dell Computer Corporation to focus on globalization of the brand. And to distinguish it from other businesses besides PC, he changed the company name to Dell Corporation in 2003.

6. Facebook

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Why is Facebook called . Facebook but not any other name?

7. Hewlett Packard (HP)

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Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard are the two founders of HP, they decided to transplant their names to form the name of the company. But Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett here, to decide if they had asked for a coin and the results were known.

8. HTC

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HTC stands for "High Tech Computer Corporation".

9. Intel

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Intel stands for phrase (Int) egrated (El) ectronics (integrated electronic device). Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore, the two founders, chose Intel after the name "Moore Noyce" was previously registered by someone.

10. Microsoft

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Bill Gates took the first letters of the words MICROcomputer SOFTware - computer software to name his company. Initially, the software company was named Micro-Soft, after that the underscore was removed to Microsoft.

11. Qualcomm

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In 1985, seven Qualcomm founders agreed to name the company "Quality Communications", later taking the initials of Quality Communication shortened to Qualcomm.

12. Asus

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Asus is taken from the last four letters of "Pegasus", a mascot shaped like a horse but has wings of an eagle, very famous in Greek mythology.

13. eBay

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The first name of this company is Echo Bay Technology Group. It was quite long, so it was shortened to Echo Bay, but the name was registered earlier, so the founder changed the name of the brand to

14. Lenovo

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Lenovo was founded in 1984 as Legend (legend). It was not until 2002, Yang Yuanqing, the company's new chief executive, changed to Lenovo which means "new legend": "Le" was taken from the first two letters of the old brand, and "novo" in the sense of Latin is new.

15. Samsung

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In Korean, Samsung means "tam tinh" (three stars), the "three" symbolizes great and powerful things. And Samsung means a very big development plan.

16. Nokia

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Nokia started from a wood company founded by Fredrik Idestam, a Finnish engineer. And he named his company "Nokia AB", following the Nokianvirta river near the wooden workshop. Later reduced to Nokia and became one of the most famous phone manufacturers in the world.

17. Flickr

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Initially, Flickr's founder wanted to place this service is, but the name was already owned by others, so they gave up the letter.

18. Mozilla

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Mozilla stands for "Mosaic" and "Godzilla". If you don't know, "Mosaic" is a famous browser that once contributed to the Internet.

19. Skype

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Initially, this service was named "Sky peer-to-peer" but due to its long and difficult to read, it was reduced to and converted into Skype.

20. Sony

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Sony is derived from the Latin word "sonus" meaning sound and "sonny", an American slang used to refer to a bright young man.

21. IBM

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IBM was founded in 1911 with the long initial name "The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company." Thomas Watson Sr., the company's CEO changed the name of CTR to 'International Business Machines' in 2004 for ease. development to other markets.

22. Wikipedia

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Wikipedia means an extremely fast encyclopedia: the Wiki word in Hawaiian means "fast" and "pedia" is the last part of the word "encyclopedia".


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NVIDIA is the pronunciation of the word "invidia - jealous" in Latin. That means people will envy those who use NVIDIA products and this is also the reason why they choose the logo as "craving" green eyes.

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