Unexpected impact when using fans in the hot season
Every family often buys several electric fans in the house, especially in the summer, the fans always run at full capacity to dispel the heat and heat. But there are quite a few people who pay attention to how to use the fan properly, so that they can ensure their health and still be able to cool themselves. Sitting in a fan immediately after being hot in the outdoors and turning the fan directly to people at close range, or using unreasonably, will cause problems such as headaches, flu, . In the article below We will provide you with the information you need to protect yourself from everyday familiar items.
1. Harmful use of fans improperly:
The body is dehydrated
Allowing the fan to blow directly into the body for a long time will cause the sweat to evaporate quickly, reducing the secretion, reducing the body's feeling of dehydration. At that time, if you do not tolerate enough water for your body, you will be dehydrated leading to drowsiness, fatigue, and lack of energy to work.
Imbalance of blood circulation and sweating
Using a fan when it is hot, the part of the body that gets a lot of wind will quickly sweat, the part that licks the sweat will evaporate more slowly and the skin temperature is higher, making the area's blood vessels expand. This leads to an imbalance in blood circulation and sweating, the body responds to dizziness, fatigue, pain throughout the body and flu.
People who are new to sweating a lot if using fans immediately, the above situation will be more severe. Creating favorable conditions for viruses and bacteria to invade the body leading to susceptibility to cold, wind and colds, sore throat, aches, even diarrhea . seemingly only meet in the cold season.
Unexpected impact when using fans in the hot season Picture 1
2. How to use the fan appropriately in the hot season:
Use a fan when sleeping
Should be used in light to moderate winds, do not turn on the high-number fan nor leave the whole night. Because when we sleep, the immune system falls into a state of rest, the internal organs are also almost suspended. The direct inspiration for wind fans for a long time will be easy to flu, runny nose, sore throat .
Unexpected impact when using fans in the hot season Picture 2
Use fans after exercise, sweating a lot
Don't sit right into the fan when your body is sweating profusely, causing an imbalance in heat. Drink more water, dry your body and wait a while for your body to settle down to use the fan to soothe the heat.
Use fans for the elderly and young children
Only light numbers should be left and the mode for wind fans turned to clear and calm the air in the room. Do not allow fans too close or blow directly to people, do not use fans continuously for a long time. Because these are two subjects with a weak immune system, the body will be more responsive to heat imbalance, causing respiratory, flu, and joint diseases .
Use fans all day
- Always remember to stay in the same direction as the fan, not allowing the fan to blow directly into the face.
- Do not turn on the high gear and keep the fan blowing continuously on a fixed part of the body.
- Do not use the fan continuously but should take breaks for about 15-20 minutes and only use continuously for 30-60 minutes.
- Note to set the timer for fans when used overnight.
- It is best to let the fan blow toward the windows or doors so that the air in the room is better circulated, reducing the feeling of hot and mysterious.
- If you have economic conditions, you can equip fans with ion-creating air purification mode, natural cool wind to make the space more pleasant and fresh. And since then we have also reduced the abuse of fans excessively and wrongly.
Unexpected impact when using fans in the hot season Picture 3
Daily items when you use them can become the cause of diseases, if we don't know how to use them properly. Fans will make you feel better, but at the same time make you more susceptible to disease when using the wrong way.
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Wish you and your family healthy!
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