Tips to play Saints Row gamers need to know

Saints Row tips gamers need to know, Saints Row tips gamers need to grasp to have a good start in the action game, street robbery

Saints Row is another exciting installment in the iconic series. It contains a lot of the quirks of previous games, while also bringing in many new ideas. In fact, on the whole, it's quite a bit different from all its predecessors.

Therefore, even a die-hard Saints Row fan cannot become an instant master of playing this latest installment. Therefore, every gamer will benefit from knowing a few tips and tricks before they step into the beautiful Santo Ileso.

In this article, let's find out the Saints Row tips gamers need to grasp to get off to a good start in this classic street-robbery action game.

Do not arbitrarily defeat the opponent

Takedowns are a key feature of Saints Row combat, as with the press of a button they allow to kill any unarmed enemy. In addition, people will recover health every time they do these favorite moves.

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However, the player cannot continue to hit enemy after enemy with knockdown moves, as there is a rather long cooldown after launching a hit.

Therefore, it is best for gamers to save a kill when there is no time to recharge HP during combat. In addition, if there are enemies with particularly dangerous weapons, everyone should take them down to eliminate the risk of being attacked.

Complete the quest Wanted

As soon as the game introduces Santo Ileso and allows freedom to roam around, gamers will receive a new application called Wanted, used to participate in a number of assassination missions.

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People should do them early to earn a decent amount for each completion, more than the amount received in most of the main quests. In addition, these missions are more interesting than expected, not only is going around and shooting someone, it is a lot more creative than that.

Buy weapons

At the beginning of the game, everyone will own a pistol and a rifle, with access to different guns in certain missions. They are good weapons, but it is not a huge arsenal.

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However, unlike many other games, Saints Row has no weapons to find, enemies don't drop them, and only occasionally gets a weapon as a reward for completing a quest.

This is why gamers should visit the Friendly Fire store from time to time and buy their own items when they have money. Otherwise, everyone will spend a few hours struggling with only 2 starter weapons.

Run and jump in the car

A mechanism introduced in Saints Row The Third is also present in this latest installment, which is the ability to jump into the driver's seat of a car. To do so, simply run towards a car and press the button normally used to enter a vehicle.

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It's a visually stunning and artistic move to perform. The action is a lot quicker than getting into a car as usual, so it's great when being chased by rival gang members or the police. People can also glide into cars with their outfits if they want to look even more impressive.

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